Bill Clinton to Davos: Democrats Lost the Election to Rush Limbaugh

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 31,2011

RUSH: I have a sound bite I want to get out of the way. It doesn’t have anything to do with what we’re talking about, but I want to get this in. This is last Thursday in Davos. Last Thursday in Davos, Switzerland, World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chair Klaus Schwab interviewed former President Bill Clinton. Klaus Schwab said, ‘The feeling that many foreigners have of the United States at this moment is that the society is extremely polarized…’ Now, imagine this. Here’s this guy Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum in Davos: ‘The feeling that many foreigners have of the United States at this moment is that the society is extremely polarized, and my question to you is: What could be done to overcome this polarization?’ Well, is this not interesting? The whole narrative and template has been set. Democrats say ‘lack of civility, polarization, partisanship;’ so around the world here come the questions for Democrat presidents. ‘My question, Mr. Clinton: What could be done to overcome this polarization? Is it something which is of a momentous nature or is it something which, driven by the system, will remain a factor? What is your recipe, sir?’

CLINTON: In 2010, for reasons I will never understand, the Democrats reverted to the strategy of 1994: Raised $1.6 billion, and didn’t spend even 10% of it to tell the American people what they had done. We had no national message, and they did. It was amplified by Rush Limbaugh, it was amplified by Fox, it was amplified by their paid ads — and I don’t blame them. I am not criticizing the Republicans. They’re in business to beat us. I’m criticizing my party. We had no national message, so our losses were roughly twice as great as they needed to be, and it’s gotten everybody discouraged and thinking of the polarization.

RUSH: Oh, man, oh, man! So the leaders in Davos gather with the losers of the American political system, the Democrats: ‘What went wrong? Why so much polarization?’

Well, well, ‘They raised $1.6 billion and they didn’t spend even 10% to tell the American people what they’d done.’

Because they were embarrassed! They didn’t tout their record. This is about health care, and they had all the Democrats running away from health care. It was a guaranteed loser. Mr. President, you know this. The Democrats had to run away from their achievements, their accomplishments, because it’s the reason they were going to get shellacked. So it’s easy for Clinton to stand on the sidelines, ‘Hey! Hey! Hey! Why don’t you guys spend some of that money I helped you raise and sing your praises? Why don’t you go out there and tell everybody what you did? That’s what I’d do.

‘I don’t blame Republicans; I blame my own party. I sat there, I told ’em. I told ’em, ‘If you don’t pass this health care bill, you’re dead, you’re doomed,’ (chuckles) and they bought it, and they voted for it, and they’re doomed anyway.’ So I find it fascinating. Republicans had a better message. It was amplified by me and Fox News. In other words, Clinton’s saying the Democrats had a great story to tell; they just didn’t tell it. Mr. President, you didn’t, either. Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee. Clinton wasn’t out there telling the great story of all the great achievements of the great 111th Congress and Obama, because there wasn’t a great story.


RUSH: Now, I wasn’t gonna mention this, but Snerdley is insistent. Snerdley is sending me a little note here, ‘Rush, you know, you’re always downplaying yourself. In that sound bite, Bill Clinton just elevated you to the single most important media figure in the world. The entire Democrat Party was defeated by one man amplifying a message — that was you — and a news organization, Fox, and that’s what he told world economic leaders at Davos and you just zip by it, Rush, like it’s no big deal?’ They’ve been saying it since when, 1992, Snerdley, we’ve been saying it here for 12 years. No, not 12 year, 20 years, 18 years, whatever it is. I guess if you’re talking about Democrats, if you want power in America you gotta go through Limbaugh. All right, here, play it again. I did overlook it ’cause to me that wasn’t the focal point of the message. The focal point of the message here is the Democrats raised all this money, and then didn’t tell their story, and Clinton’s excoriating them. They didn’t have a story to tell. They had governed against the will of the people. What’s the message gonna be?

(imitating Clinton) ‘Well, I tell you what they shoulda done, Limbaugh, got $1.6 billion that they raised and they’re gonna run campaign ads, and they shoulda said you people in the country, you don’t know what’s good for you but we do. And that’s why we did what we did and you’re gonna be thanking us down the road. You’ll be thanking us. The Republicans will take away your health care. The Republicans will take away your house, your Social Security. Republicans, if you give them the country back they’re gonna bomb parts of the house where you live.’ All right, here’s the bite again, audio sound bite number three, Bill Clinton, elevating me, the single most important media figure in the world at the Davos, Switzerland, World Economic Forum.

CLINTON: In 2010, for reasons I will never understand, the Democrats reverted to the strategy of 1994: Raised $1.6 billion, and didn’t spend even 10% of it to tell the American people what they had done. We had no national message, and they did. It was amplified by Rush Limbaugh, it was amplified by Fox, it was amplified by their paid ads — and I don’t blame them. I am not criticizing the Republicans. They’re in business to beat us. I’m criticizing my party. We had no national message, so our losses were roughly twice as great as they needed to be, and it’s gotten everybody discouraged and thinking of the polarization.

RUSH: Well, he still didn’t answer the question. The question is why all this polarization? Is it gonna remain a permanent factor or you gonna be able to do something about it? But he had his pat answer that he wanted to give.