Loughner Hated George W. Bush

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 17,2011

RUSH: Rich Lowry, The Corner, National Review Online: ‘Even the Sheriff Knows that Loughner is Crazy.’ There’s a long New York Times piece on the killer. ‘There’s no doubt in my mind…’ This is Dupnik. ”There’s no doubt in my mind the whole trial will be about: Did he know right from wrong?’ the sheriff said. ‘We’ll have 15 psychiatrists saying yes; we’ll have 15 psychiatrists saying no. What do I say? I think he’s mentally disturbed.” Did you see what James Taranto wrote at Wall Street Journal, Best of the Web online? Quoting the sheriff, naming me as a responsible party, he says, ‘Anybody seen Limbaugh? He’s about six feet tall, stocky build, has booming baritone voice, and is still at large.’

Still at large! (laughing) Sheriff Dupnik.


RUSH: That very long New York Times story on the killer, Jared Loughner. I remember when — in the first half hour of the program, mere moments ago — I mentioned that Jared Loughner was a Bush-hater. All three pairs of eyeballs on the other side of the glass look at me in total surprise. They had not seen it reported anywhere. Here’s this detail from the New York Times piece on Jared Loughner: ‘He became intrigued by antigovernment conspiracy theories, including that the Sept. 11 attacks were perpetrated by the government…’ Now, all of that is lies made up by the left. And there was a Rasmussen survey — ah, I forget, within the past year or so — that half the Democrats in the country believed that.

Where was that? Let me find it here real quick. In 2007, three years ago, Rasmussen Reports: ‘Democrats in America are evenly divided’ evenly divided! ‘on the question of whether George W. Bush knew about the 9/11 terrorist attacks in advance. Thirty-five percent of Democrats believe that Bush knew. Thirty-nine percent said he didn’t know. Twenty-six percent aren’t sure.’ Of the 35% who think Bush knew, they also have to think he didn’t do anything to stop it, which means 35% of Democrats think that Bush wanted it to happen — and guess who this guy identifies with? The Democrats! ‘He became intrigued by antigovernment conspiracy theories, including that the Sept. 11 attacks were perpetrated by the government,’ all lies made up by the left.

He also believed ‘that the country’s central banking system was enslaving its citizens. His anger would well up at the sight of President George W. Bush, or in discussing what he considered to be the nefarious designs of government.’ So here you have a ‘government’ hater, a Bush-hater, which qualifies him to be in common with over 80% of the Democrat Party. They all hated Bush. See, that hatred was justified. Hatred of Bush? Well, that was understandable. Hatred of Bush? Justifiable! So this guy’s ‘anger would well up at the sight of President George W. Bush, or in discussing what he considered to be the nefarious designs of government.’

So he’s an anti-government, conspiracy theorist, truther Bush-hater. The New York Times uncovers all this. Back to Sheriff Dupnik. ‘Disturbed enough to be found guilty but insane? ‘I majored in psychology at the university,’ Sheriff Dupnik answered. ‘Based on what I’ve seen, he is psychotic, he has serious problems with reality, and I think he’s delusional. Does he meet the legal test of guilty but insane? I don’t know.” Sheriff Dupnik, naming me, now claiming this guy is ‘delusional.’ The sheriff was majoring in psychology at the university. Well… I never once thought the guy was a genuine sheriff in the first place, then.

(playing of ‘I’m Not a Sheriff’ parody song)

RUSH: And that is white comedian Paul Shanklin on Martin Luther King Day, and ‘I’m Not a Sheriff,’ a vocal portrayal there that’s Eric ‘Clapner.’ (interruption) Well, I know it’s Clapton, and I know it’s reggae tune. Bob Marley did it first and it was covered by Eric ‘Clapner,’ as pronounced by Joycelyn Elders, who believed we should teach masturbation in the schools as a form of birth control.