
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Somebody in the break asked me how the dogs are. They said, ‘Look, you’ve done golf and you’ve done football. You better do the trifecta and totally tick off the issues-only crowd by talking about the dogs.’ All right, funny story about the dogs. Over vacation, the dogs were at their school. Kathryn’s still away with her family. She stayed on vacation and I got the dogs. So I had the dogs with me and Kathryn wanted to see and talk to the dogs. So I got my iPhone out and it’s got FaceTime. You can make video phone calls. The phone has two cameras. So I put on the camera that featured the dogs — I’m looking at it dogs, that camera — and I turned the phone around to Kathryn so the dogs could hear her voice. I showed her to the dogs on the phone. I know the dogs can’t actually see an image on the phone but they can hear her voice, and they were going nuts!You know, Kathryn said, ‘Hi, Abbey! Hi, Wellesley!’

‘Woof! Woof!’ and they’re running around going nuts and going crazy. It’s the funniest thing. I wish I had a way to videotape that. I’m trying to figure out a way to do. I’d videotape it and put it up on Facebook.

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