Rush’s Morning Update: Trend December 15, 2010

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 14,2010

Rush’s Morning Update: Trend
December 15, 2010

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Often,when a trend begins in California, the rest of the nation hopes it stays in California –but this could be different.

Last year, legislators passed a school reform measures,including one provision allowing parents to demand change if a majority signs a petition. The so-called parent trigger recently became reality when parents in Compton petitioned to force McKinley Elementary School to become a charter school. The low-performing school ranks in the bottom 10th of California schools. Parents complain that children who get good grades discover they’re unprepared once they advance to middle school. They also say the school staff doesn’t communicate with the parents. So, with the help of a group called Parent Revolution, concerned parents did a little communicating of their own. They quietly went about collecting enough signatures to force a change, much to the dismay of school administrators, teachers, and liberals in the media.

The Los Angeles Times editorial board condemned the move,saying public schools “shouldn’t be handed over to new operators through secret agreements and petitions that only offer partial information.” They insist the school district or the State Board of Education ought to decide which operator takes over schools– not the parents.

Nonsense. State education officials and teachers’ unions are the obstacles! Concerned parents,who have a vested interest in seeing their kids succeed,are plenty smart enough to make good decisions.

Here’s hope and change for you: I hope this “parent revolution” goes national –then we’ll see genuine change for the better in public education.

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