Rush’s Morning Update: Life On Earth
December 6, 2010
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Scientists around the world are rejoicing over the announcement that a new life form has been discovered on Planet Earf. Up till now, it was believed that all life on Earth, from the smallest microbe to the biggest mammal shared a single genetic model that included phosphorus as one of six essential components. But a NASA team led by a young biochemist, Felicia Simon, discovered bacteria that doesn’t have phosphorus – but instead uses arsenic to live. It also has arsenic embedded into its DNA.
This is earth-shattering stuff for scientists. Calls poured into NASA from the White House and Congress, asking if the discovery was evidence of a so-called second genesis on Earth. The short answer to that question is: no. Which must be a relief for the ungodly number of liberals and scientists who can’t even comprehend the first Genesis.
Nevertheless, speculation is running wild about the impact this discovery may have in the search for life in the far reaches of the galaxy. That’s all well and good. But first, this discovery needs to be put in proper perspective.
This is a momentous discovery for another reason. Scientists and liberal politicians are openly embracing the idea that life can, and does, exist in a tiny microbe. That could be good news for embryos – good news for human fetuses. Which until this moment have been regarded as nothing more than experiment fodder or medical waste. Perhaps now, life forms of the first and only Genesis will get more respect. Hmmm?
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