Rush’s Morning Update: Your Turn November 2, 2010

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 1,2010

Rush’s Morning Update: Your Turn
November 2, 2010

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Election Day two years ago, members of the New Black Panther Party were at a Philadelphia polling place, wearing paramilitary uniforms. One brandished a nightstick. “You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker,” a voter was told.

The BushJustice Departmentsued the group for violating the 1965 Voting Rights Act by intimidating voters with weapons, uniforms, and racial slurs. None of the defendants showed up to answer the charges,which usually means a default ruling for the Justice Department,but the case was suddenly dropped by the Obama Justice Department.

Later it was learned that six Justice Department lawyers who wanted to pursue the case were overruled by a top Obama political appointee. It was also learned that higher-ups inside Obama’s Justice Department objected to prosecuting blacks, saying voting rights laws are aimed at white defendants only.

Last Friday, the US Commission on Civil Rights was ready to vote on its report of the Justice Department’s handling of the case. The report says the Justice Department is “at war with its core mission of guaranteeing equal protection”for all Americans– including whites– and that it engaged in a cover-up. But that vote was never held. Democrat appointee Michael Yaki walked out, preventing a quorum– and the vote. Mr. Yaki is a former senior adviser toPelosi.

Today, it’s your turn to vote for the America most of us want… or to keep partisan, bigoted Democrats in charge –you can’t have both.Annoy the bastards today, folks.

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