Rush’s Morning Update: Blame! October 27, 2010

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 26,2010

Rush’s Morning Update: Blame!
October 27, 2010

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In the Washington Post, Dan Balz chronicled Michigan’s misery after eight years of Democrat Governor Jennifer Granholm — and thenBalz gave her a pass.

When Granholm was elected, orgasmic Democrats declared her a “rising star”who would be presidential material, if only she wasn’t born in Canada. Today, Michigan’s in shambles. Before Granholm, five million people were employed in Michigan; nw less than four million are. The unemployment rate was at 6 percent whenshe took over; today it’s over 13 percent. College graduates are fleeing the statein droves.

Dan Balz describes the state’s mood as “frustration bordering on despair among those who have seen their jobs disappear, probably permanently.” Granholm blames her low approval numbers, which are in the 30s, on the people of Michigan who she says are “impatient” because they “want to see change” immediately. Dan Balz agrees that none of this is her fault. The “forces of economic decline” dealt Jennifer a bad hand, he said — just like Obama was dealt a bad hand as he showed up in the Oval Office “amid the worst recession since the Great Depression.”

But Jennifer Granholm doesn’t deserve an in-print pity party. The truth is, it’s the people of Michigan who were dealt the “bad hand.” For eight years, sheunleashed tax-raising, job-killing, unrestrained liberalism on Michigan, with horrific results — just as Obama and Democrats are doing nationwide — and now she blames the people who elected her. But they,like the rest of America,deserve better. And come November, they’re going to take the first step toward getting it.

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