Rush’s Morning Update: Question October 26, 2010

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 25,2010

Rush’s Morning Update: Question
October 26, 2010

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According to the Congressional Quarterly blog, the Service Employees International Union is launching a massive effort in Pennsylvania to sway the election toward Democrats. The union plans to drop $2 million in the state, as well as send hundreds of volunteers to get out the vote for Democrats.

Now, I have a question,but before I get to it, let’s quickly review exactly who this union is. From their own website, the SEIU says they’re building a “global union.” They’re working with workers in France, Great Britain, and “unionists from around the world” to hold “civil disobedience rallies.”

The SEIU also proudly says they represent more “immigrants than any other union,” and they are helpingto “pave the way for organized labor to support legalization for hard-working, tax-paying immigrants,” who, we can only assume, are here illegally.

The SEIU is also the second-largest union for government workers(the public-sector employees whose salaries and pensions are far higher than those of private-sector employees), and are also responsible for driving states into financial insolvency.

So let’s summarize, shall we? The SIEU,dumping millions to support Democrats,partners with other international unions to create civil disobedience rallies, like in France. They are the single largest union representing immigrants– we don’t know if they’re legal immigrants or not– and they’re huge with government workers.

So my question’s this:Are Democrats using foreign money,funneled through their union buddies, to win seats in this election? There’s no proof of it,but who cares about that?

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