
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Ray in Livermore, California. Glad you waited. Welcome to the Rush Limbaugh program. How are you?

CALLER: I’m doing well, and thank you for the work that you and your brother are doing, bringing the influence of your father to all the American people. You’re doing a great job. Yesterday you had pointed out the pictures of Obama and a lady called in and talked about how he would be going nuts after the election. I would just like to remind the listeners of what Peter Jennings said in ’94, that America had thrown a temper tantrum, and I have a feeling the media is gonna go berserk and make what Obama does look pale in that it won’t be a referendum on Obama —

RUSH: Oh, no.

CALLER: — and his policies. It will be about racism. America is racist.

RUSH: F. Chuck Todd on Morning Joe today makes this very point. These people are living in fantasyland. Here’s the question from Scarborough. ‘In the polling, is there any question about what you think Republicans will do or what will you like to see Republicans do? Do you think that’s relevant at this point?’

TODD: This isn’t a referendum on the president himself. A lot of people want to say it is. It is a referendum on Congress. It is a referendum on Washington. It’s a referendum on the Democratic Party. It’s less on Obama.

RUSH: That’s F. Chuck Todd of NBC News. It’s not a referendum on Obama. No, no, no. It’s a referendum on Congress, referendum on the Democrat Party, but not Obama. So that’s already being set up. The template is, ‘No, no, no, it’s not about Obama. Whether it’s a template or not, it’s already being set up.

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