Monday Quotes: An Army of One Oct 18, 2010You’re Missing Out on Thousands of Rush Quotes! Join Rush 24/7 NOW!”I promise we’ll get to...
Why Leftists Target Cell Phones Oct 18, 2010RUSH: Rob in Greenville, South Carolina, hi, and welcome to the EIB Network.CALLER: Hey,...
What’s Tom Daschle Doing? Oct 18, 2010RUSH: To Detroit. This is Bob. I’m glad you waited, sir. Welcome to the EIB Network. Great to have...
Blame Game is Over: Just Fix It Oct 18, 2010RUSH: Folks, let me try to inspire some confidence in you. I know a lot of people — and I...
GOP Must Keep the Fire Stoked Oct 18, 2010RUSH: Another Politico story: ‘President Obama: ‘Fear and Frustration’ Drive Voters.’...
Female Caller Rips Moochelle Obama’s Hypocrisy on Obesity Oct 18, 2010RUSH: Minneapolis, Barb, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hi, Rush. Thanks....
Bad Analogy: Harry Reid Compares President Obama to Chilean Miners Oct 18, 2010RUSH: Last night in Las Vegas at an early get-out-the-vote event Dingy Harry spoke and said...
The Sad Story of Maureen Dowd Oct 18, 2010RUSH: Maureen Dowd. Folks, look, it’s very simple. She has this piece in the New York Times...
Frank’s Boyfriend Has Learned That Barney’s Seat is Not Safe Oct 18, 2010RUSH: Barney Frank — his boyfriend heckled Sean Bielat. We have the audio sound bite. This...
Helpless Liberals Watch as Obama Switches from Messiah to Demon Oct 18, 2010RUSH: I don’t care where you look today, folks. Everywhere in the State-Controlled Media, this...
Practical Advice for a Teacher/Mom Oct 18, 2010RUSH: Karen in the northeast, parts unknown, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hi, Rush....