Rush’s Morning Update: Got Your Back October 18, 2010 Oct 15, 2010Rush’s Morning Update: Got Your BackOctober 18, 2010Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
Student Asks a Common Question Oct 15, 2010RUSH: Jordan in Daytona Beach, Florida. Welcome to the Rush Limbaugh program. Nice to have you...
Chris Matthews Gives Voice to the Media/Democrat Implosion Oct 15, 2010RUSH: Media implosion time. Time to illustrate. Chris Matthews, we have a couple of sound bites...
Who Are You, Harry Reid? Oct 15, 2010RUSH: We’ve completed our research. We can’t find very much time that Dingy Harry had to be in...
Libs Have Disdain for Constitution Oct 15, 2010RUSH: Ellen in Rocky River, Ohio. Welcome to the EIB Network. Great to have you here.CALLER: Huh,...
Nicotine Test at a Car Dealership? Oct 15, 2010RUSH: Here is Mike in Falls Church, Virginia. Great to have you on the program, sir.CALLER: Oh,...
Medicare Fraud Dwarfs Profits of 14 Insurance Companies Combined Oct 15, 2010RUSH: I want to go back to audio sound bite number 11 from the Dingy Harry and Sharron Angle...
The Ponytail Guy: 18 Years Later Oct 15, 2010RUSH: Eighteen years ago, the exact date, October 15th, 1992, Richmond, Virginia, it was during...
Angle Mops the Floor with Reid Oct 15, 2010RUSH: At a debate last night, Dingy Harry against Sharron Angle. Folks, I gotta tell you something...
Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer Have the IQs of Pencil Erasers Oct 15, 2010RUSH: If you are just joining us, earlier in the program we had some sound bites from the debate...