RUSH: I am reading a book: Early Warning. The author sent me a paperback version of the book, Michael Walsh is his name. It just came out this year. It is a great, great, great political thriller. I’ll have to get the name. It’s total escapism, but he’s got a great, great, great term for people at the New
By the way folks, I’m running — well, never mind. Steve Jobs will get mad at me. I’ve already got Hank Haney mad at me, so I’m not going to tell you that.
At any rate, it’s a great term, bed-wetters at the New York Times.
RUSH: Michael Walsh is part of Breitbart’s team at, which is devoted to media commentary. You’ll love Walsh’s books because he writes them from the standpoint of America having caved in to the chickification of things, bunch of wusses that are governed by politically correct people at all levels of government. You’ll love the books. Hostile Intent’s the first one. And there’s a George Soros-like character in this book: Emanuel Skorzeny. He lives on a Boeing 707. These are Vince Flynn caliber. They’re right up there. So, there you have it.