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A year ago, Amazon,the online bookseller and retail operation, announced a win-win plan to provide selected universities with their Kindle electronic reader. Princeton, Arizona State, and Case Western Reserve wanted to find out if the e-reader would be less expensive and more efficient for students than traditional textbooks. It wasn’t a large deal;Princeton, for instance, only used the Kindle in three courses, with a total of 51 students. It was voluntary;the students could opt out at any time.

This didn’t sit well with everybody. Although the Kindle has a text-to-speech function that “reads” books aloud, a sighted person is still needed to start the device. Activist groups, including the National Federation of the Blind, protested,accusing the universities of violating the Americans with Disabilities Act –the protest went all the way to the Justice Department.

Obama’s Civil Rights Division has now reached a settlement with the offenders.(I guess other electronic readers are fully accessible to the blind, but universities cannot use them.) This is the same Justice Departmentand Civil Rights Division that turned a blind eye to videos of the New Black Panther Party intimidating white voters in Philadelphia during the2008 presidential election,because, according to insiders they will not prosecute black-on-white offenses.

There’s an old cliche about the blind leading the blind –but we’re not being led by the blind. America’s now being led by liberal morons, who are also world-class bigots.

*Note: Links to content outside RushLimbaugh.com usually become inactive over time.

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