It’s Always Rushie in Philadelphia

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 10,2010

RUSH: Mike, Philadelphia. Welcome to the EIB Network.

CALLER: Mr. Limbaugh.

RUSH: Sir?

CALLER: It’s finally a pleasure to talk to you. I am 28 years old, and I never really gave much thought to where I stood politically or anything like that. And I’ve been listening to you for a little bit over a year now, and I’d just like to thank you so much for opening my eyes to where I stand politically. It is great to be a student of the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies. And I just can’t thank you enough. I love your show.

RUSH: Thank you, sir. How did you find us a year ago?

CALLER: Well, you’ve been in Philadelphia on the radio for years now and I’ve always heard of you. You know, I listen to The Big Talker. The Phillies game is always on there and stuff.

RUSH: Yeah, yeah.

CALLER: You know, my stepdad, he’s a conservative. He listens to you a lot, and he pretty much turned me on to your show.

RUSH: Mmm-hmm.

CALLER: And like I said, I’d like to thank you because you really opened my eyes. I didn’t really give much thought to where I stood, and, you know, a lot of people my age we’re still a little young and we don’t really don’t care. You know, I know a lot of my friends, anyway, they don’t care.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: They don’t really care. And, you know, I’ve grown up a Democrat household.

RUSH: Yeah. You know what? More of them are starting to now. The rule of thumb has always been that young people become Democrats, but that’s going to be shattered here, because college graduates… Nobody talks about this. The unemployment rate does not include college graduates.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: To be ‘unemployed’ you have to have lost a job. A lot of college kids were told, ‘Go to school. It’s the only route.’ They get out and there’s no job. Not in their field, anyway.

CALLER: I’m talking to every one of my friends and trying to open their eyes to let them know the things that are going on right now are just… I mean, we’re so far from where our Founding Fathers were.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: This country, when it first started, was basically experimental.

RUSH: That’s right.

CALLER: They were so smart to have such a system written out and it’s the greatest country in the world, and I’m afraid that we’re going to lose it.

RUSH: Nah. I’d tell you if we’re going to lose it and then I would leave.

CALLER: (laughs)

RUSH: We’re not going to lose it. In fact, I’m coming to Philadelphia. I’m going to be there on the 22nd.

CALLER: This month?

RUSH: Yeah.


RUSH: I have one of my rare — I mean, really rarer and rarer and rarer — public appearances.

CALLER: Huh. I can’t wait to see you.

RUSH: A Rush to Excellence show in Philadelphia. Where is it, H.R.? (interruption) Kimmel Center.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: It’s close by.

RUSH: Well, I think you’d go even if it weren’t.

CALLER: (chuckles) Yeah, absolutely!

RUSH: (laughing)

CALLER: Like you said, I really enjoy your show. I listen every day now, and I can’t thank you enough. You and guys like Glenn Beck, you know, you guys that’s all I listen to now. (chuckles)

RUSH: Thank you very much, Mike. I appreciate it.

CALLER: Thank you.

RUSH: Have a wonderful day, and go Eagles. (pause) It’s a new day.