Obama Goes on Another Vacation

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 19,2010

RUSH: Here’s Sarah in Huntsville, Alabama. Great to have you on the program. Hi.

CALLER: It’s great to talk to you.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: You mentioned in passing earlier that Obama has taken his sixth vacation to Martha’s Vineyard?

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: Well, in my opinion, it seems like Obama is seeing his presidential term as a chance to see the sites on someone else’s dime and all of our whining and complaining about the economy is just kind of harsh and is buzz. What’s your opinion on that?

RUSH: Well, there’s a word that’s been bandied about a lot this week and that word is insensitive. Here’s the approved language on this. ‘Well, we certainly do want our presidents to take their time off. Our presidents work very hard. We certainly do not begrudge our presidents their vacation time. That having been said, the optics here are not optimum.’ Now, the translation here is that there are people on the president’s side of the aisle who are thinking, you know, it just doesn’t look good. The wife and 40 friends in 60 rooms for five days, five stars, Spain. Twenty-seven hours on the ground, Redneck Riviera. Don’t know if they ate shrimp. Ten days on the ground, $50,000-a-week home rental, Martha’s Vineyard. Five-hundred thousand jobless claims this week, a nine-month or ten-month high. The two just don’t jibe. They just don’t go together.

So it looks as though the president is insensitive, that’s why the Marie Antoinette joke, the Moochelle Antoinette joke is about Moochelle Obama. It is why some people say that it looks like these two just wanted to be president for the perks. It really looks like, to them, the job is the perks. Put all the buddies and family on Air Force One, go flitting around the world, go back to Chicago for hoops, hot dogs, barbecue, while the wife and friends are over in Spain. And while all that’s happening, here come the jobless numbers every week and it’s 456,000, 487,000, 500,000 today. In the middle of all this we got a poll about 20% of the American people think our president’s a Muslim and a dwindling number believe he’s a Christian. So it’s a pretty muddled view, ladies and gentlemen. And the thing is it doesn’t seem to be bothering them at all. None of this seems to be bothering them. All they want to do is spend more money on a mythical jobs bill to fix everything.


RUSH: From the Boston Globe: Bush T-shirts are outselling Obama T-shirts in Martha’s Vineyard. The story is sorrowfully done by Milton Valencia of the Boston Globe. ‘One barometer of the plunge in excitement has been the sale of Obama-themed T-shirts, which designers had been banking on after the craze of last year. Clothing labeled with the president’s name sold by the thousands, helping to salvage a tough economic year for the island. But this year’s T-shirt sales are much less brisk, merchants say. ‘Last year, Obama gave you goose bumps, but I don’t think you’re going to see that this year,’ said Alex McCluskey, co-owner of the Locker Room, who sold more than 4,000 ‘I vacationed with Obama’ T-shirts last year. But so far this year, he said, his hot item is T-shirts of former President Bush asking, ‘Miss me yet?”

Bush ‘Miss me yet?’ T-shirts outselling Obama T-shirts on, wait for it, Martha’s Vineyard. You know, every time they say that Obama is going on vacation they always say, ‘Bush did it, too, Bush did it, too.’ The difference is Bush went home. Bush went home to a little shack in Crawford, Texas, and Bush was always president when he was on vacation. Obama has yet to start being president. Well, in one way of looking at it.