Missouri Votes on Obamacare

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 3,2010

RUSH: Paul in St. Louis, you’re next on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. Greetings from your home state of Missouri.

RUSH: Thank you, sir.

CALLER: And I just wanted to let you know that I was one of the lucky, lucky people who got to get up at the crack of down this morning, go to my polling place, and be one of the first people in the nation to cast a ballot against Obamacare, and it felt great.

RUSH: What was the turnout?

CALLER: Turnout was actually — for a primary election, especially in an off presidential year —

RUSH: Yeah?

CALLER: — I had to had to wait about ten minutes for a ballot so that gives you a sense. In my neighborhood that’s a long time in a primary. So…

RUSH: Is there any ‘trickinology’ in the wording of this ballot initiative? In many states they’ll word it so that when you vote ‘no’ on something you’re actually voting ‘yes.’

CALLER: Well, it is a little bit tricky in the respect that a ‘yes’ vote on Prop C is essentially voting to amend our Constitution to prohibit the federal government from forcing us to purchase health insurance. So you do have to actually vote ‘yes.’ So it is a little tricky in that respect. So that’s good point.

RUSH: It is. If people think they’re voting ‘no’ on this to oppose health care, they’re not.

CALLER: No, you want to vote ‘yes,’ and that essentially is a vote to assert states rights.

RUSH: Now, how good a job has the local media that?

CALLER: Very poor.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: Very poor, and I think deliberately so. But the good news is that for those in audience who have not had the good fortune to have that feeling of walking out of the ballot box yet and voting against Obamacare, I just would encourage them to get active and vote in November. We have a very hotly contested Senate race in Missouri, and we have one candidate who is essentially a rubber stamp for the president and one who is not, and I’m looking forward to going back in November and doing it again. It’s nice to feel powerful, you know, as opposed to what we’ve been feeling for the last couple years.

RUSH: Yeah, well, I think a lot of people are so motivated.

CALLER: Well, that’s exactly right.

RUSH: I tell you, people can’t wait. People can’t wait for November. People might be a little jealous of you that you got your emotional satisfaction earlier than November but believe me: People are chomping at the bit, and the partisan political operatives in the media… I mean, they’re alluding to it, but they’re not giving voice to it, but there is genuine outrage and opposition out there. Here is the Texas of the Missouri ballot proposal as it appears to the ballot today for a Missouri proposal that attempts to reject key portions of the of new federal health care law: ‘Shall the Missouri Statutes be amended to: Deny the government authority to penalize citizens for refusing to purchase private health insurance or infringe upon the right to offer or accept direct payment for lawful healthcare services?’ That’s the question on the ballot. ‘Shall the Missouri Statutes be amended to: Deny the government authority…?’ Well, the answer there is YES, the statutes ‘should be amended to deny the federal government the authority to penalize citizens for refusing to purchase private health insurance.’ So it is pretty straightforward.