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RUSH: Who’s next? Jerry in Tomball, Texas. Jerry, welcome to the Rush Limbaugh program. Great to have you here.

CALLER: Oh, thank you, Rush. It’s such an honor to talk to you.

RUSH: Thank you very much.

CALLER: I have been listening to you since the Rush is Right stickers. Do you remember those?

RUSH: Oh, yeah. I mean, that’s…

CALLER: A long time ago. (laughing)

RUSH: And they’ve never gone out of style.

CALLER: Well, I’d love to have one.

RUSH: No, I mean we don’t have any in stock, but they’re still accurate.

CALLER: They certainly are. I believe that for sure. Rush be you just said what I was going to say, what I called to say. I believe that it is their plan and their desire to wear conservatives down.

RUSH: It ain’t working.

CALLER: I know. I know. But don’t let them do it. We need you so badly.

RUSH: Well, I’m not going to be here tomorrow, but they’re not going to drive me crazy.

CALLER: I know.

RUSH: I agree with you, trying to wear us down, but the momentum is huge. Let me find the story here in the stack. It’s even worse than the Democrats think is out there. It’s some Business Insider Chart of the Day, and I’ll find it here but… Yeah, BusinessInsider.com. ‘Here’s Why Hyper Republicans Are Going To Crush The Democrats This Year — If elections are even half won simply by voter turnout, then this chart shows why the Democrats are toast this year.’ Now, I can’t show you the chart ’cause it’s printed on two different pages but we’ll link to this at RushLimbaugh.com. ‘Republicans have far more momentum than at any other time in two decades, according to survey data from Pew Research. 56% of Republican voters are ‘more enthusiastic’ about voting this year, while only 42% of Dems are,’ and it has even more statistical analysis in it. They’re not wearing us down. They are inspiring and motivating.

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