Drive-Bys Root for Gulf Hurricane

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 25,2010

RUSH: I just stole a glance at MSNBC. You know, there’s a tropical disturbance out there southeast of the Yucatan peninsula. The National Hurricane Center has been going back and forth on the odds of it becoming a tropical storm. Today the odds are high that it’s gonna become one. So now all the meteorologists are out there trying to figure out, because the track model has it going either right at New Orleans, some of them take to the east, some to the west of New Orleans, and, of course, here come the, ‘Oh, God, we hope so! We don’t really hope so. Oh, we hope it! Please let’s not have this. We want this disaster.’ I mean the media is going back and forth. They really want it. So I’m watching Brian Williams, I know Brian Williams, Brian Williams I would say is an acquaintance, certainly, and a friend of mine, and Brian Williams is talking to Andrea Mitchell, NBC News, Washington, about all of the new science being learned here about can a hurricane form with oil on the surface of the sea, of the Gulf of Mexico, because it affects the temperature, and of course hurricanes do not feed off of oil, they feed off of warm water.

So they’re wondering that maybe the hurricanes destined for the Gulf are not going to form because of so much oil on the surface. They don’t know. They’re speculating. It’s new science. So they’re kind of torn. Folks, I’m not making this up. They really want a hurricane with oil plastered all over everywhere so they can tarnish Big Oil and the private sector. And on the other hand they don’t want it because of all the damage it would do to people. But man, they would love it. They’re really torn. Oh, gosh, we really hope there’s a hurricane. No, we don’t, but we would love to cover an oil hurricane. Oh, yeah. Man, we could really tar and feather Big Oil, but we don’t want the people to get hurt, but if the people get hurt, it makes an even better story. So what do we do? They’re flipping coins, do we or don’t we want a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico. I don’t know, Snerdley, I don’t know what the volume on the surface is.

I saw a story earlier in the week that — get this, now — you’re not going to believe this. We had two stories that tell you, in relation to the full volume of water in the Gulf, the genuinely insignificant amount of oil we’re talking about here. But that’s not good because the oil that gets to shore and gets in the groundwater, that’s horrible, you can’t clean that up, that’s a mess, you don’t want that. But the oil that stays in the sea is gonna eventually evaporate and emulsify and just be eaten up by the vast expanse. The amount of oil that has been leaked at the time we did this report, probably last week sometime, the amount of the oil that’s been leaked is equivalent to an ounce of oil in a full bathtub of yours. Not even that, not even a full ounce, a tenth of an ounce or something. The other story was, late last week, the amount of oil leaked would not fill the Superdome. Did you see that one? The amount of oil leaked would not fill the Superdome. But it’s hard to make people believe that because you look at the pictures here of the oil gushing out of that hole down there, and it’s the majority of the frame. There’s no way to show the entire volume of the Gulf with this little trickle of oil as it would appear if you could see the entire Gulf, this is nothing more than a trickle. But we can’t see that because there’s no way we can photograph underwater the entire Gulf. That technology just doesn’t exist.


RUSH: For those of you in the Gulf region who are now eagerly eyeing with great anticipation this potential tropical storm that might become a hurricane, let’s go back to 1979 — 1979 is when the giant oil spill in Mexico took place, Ixtoc1. And once again, forgive me if I’m mispronouncing that. It’s I-x-t-o-c, and in Spanish there are any number of ways you could pronounce the X in that word. But the Ixtoc 1 spill was huge. Much, much larger than this. Okay? In 1979, there were five hurricanes. Hurricane Henri was a rare tropical storm that entered the Gulf of Mexico without having made landfall anywhere else. It was the second of four times this occurred during the twentieth century. So it is possible that the oil on the surface of the Gulf does retard or prohibit the formation of a genuine cyclone or hurricane.

There was a lot of oil, and a lot of it got out and a lot of it hit the Texas shoreline. It was a disaster in 1979, Ixtoc 1. So there were five hurricanes that year and just one, Hurricane Henri, entered the Gulf without having made landfall. The others got nowhere near it. So that means Hurricane Henri basically formed near the Gulf and then made like a bat out of hell for the shoreline. Like Katrina was an Atlantic hurricane that crossed the state of Florida. Katrina was supposed to hit us, and it veered south and creamed — it was a cat one at the time — Ft. Lauderdale and Weston and in places like that and then it cut across the state, and when it hit the Gulf, bam! It just went nuts. School Bus Nagin was looking at it and said, ‘Man, I’m getting outta here and I’m not even going to deploy the buses.’


RUSH: This is Jennifer in Las Vegas. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hello, Rush. It is an honor to speak with you.

RUSH: Thank you very much.

CALLER: And congratulations on your marriage with Kathryn.

RUSH: Thank you, thank you.

CALLER: I’m a little bit nervous.

RUSH: You don’t sound it.

CALLER: Oh, I don’t?


CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, I just wanted to —

RUSH: In fact, you’re projecting very well. You’re projecting with confidence, verve, vigor, and assuredness.

CALLER: Oh. Well, thank you very much, Rush.

RUSH: You bet.

CALLER: Okay, I have been a long-term listener right from the get-go, though I’ve missed here and there because of work and whatever, but my husband and I are a big supporter of Arizona, and as you know we live here in beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: And last May we went to Arizona for a weekend trip. This weekend we’re going to Arizona for my birthday, and next September we’re going down to Sierra Vista for ten days in support of Arizona.

RUSH: Why, this sounds like economic stimulus to me.

CALLER: Yeah, we’re gonna spend our vacation dollars down there. They’re gonna need it to fight the regime. But, oh, could I make a quick comment about the hurricane?

RUSH: Well, there isn’t one yet, but go ahead, you reminded me of something phenomenal about that Hurricane Henri in 1979 I forgot to mention. Go ahead.

CALLER: Well, I don’t think that there’s going to be hurricanes this year because of global warming.

RUSH: Because of global warming?

CALLER: (laughing.)

RUSH: You know, do you know the name Joe Bastardi at AccuWeather?

CALLER: No, I don’t.

RUSH: Well, Joe is a good guy, and he’s a friend of our official climatologist, Dr. Roy Spencer, and Joe has been ramping up his hurricane predictions. He says it’s going to be a major, major year. And Joe tries to make the case that we here in Florida are going to get creamed, I mean we’re gonna get pummeled according to Joe Bastardi at AccuWeather. And he’s a good guy, don’t misunderstand. I want to get in the prediction game, too, because my prediction is probably as good as anybody else’s. And before I get my hurricane prediction for this season, Hurricane Henri, 1979, the same year as the Ixtoc 1 oil spill, the huge one, dwarfs this one, in Mexico, Hurricane Henri never, ever struck land. It never went ashore. That’s almost unheard of. Hurricane Henri, 1979, formed in the Gulf and died there.

I mention this because there’s some thinking that with all the oil on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, or however much it is, that the oil might in fact retard hurricane formation in the Gulf of Mexico because the there were only five hurricanes in 1979. Hurricane Henri did form but it never struck land. I don’t know if it’s coincidence or if there’s some scientific relevance to it. My hurricane prediction is that there will be between zero and 40 storms before the season ends. My next prediction is that between zero and 40 of them will become tropical cyclones, between zero and 40 of them will become major category three or above storms, and between zero and 40 of these will strike somewhere on the United States coast, either the East Coast, the Gulf Coast, between zero and 40. And there’s also between zero and 40 that will not strike the US coastline. And there you have it, and I live in Florida. So that makes me a hurricane expert.


RUSH: By the way, about Hurricane Henri: Ladies and gentlemen, the big thing about Hurricane Henri, 1979, the year of the Ixtoc oil spill, the Gulf Coast had no hurricanes all year. Zip, zero, nada. Now, it could be a coincidence. But wouldn’t it be ironic if the BP spill saves the Gulf Coast from their annual hurricane devastation? There’s still devastation from the oil spill. The real losers there are the media who are sitting around. (laughing) You know they’re going back and forth. They’re salivating. They see that potential hurricane down there off the Yucatan, and they’re just (breathing heavy). It’s like Algore in a massage parlor. Oh, they just want that thing to form, but then they don’t.