Rush’s Morning Update: Livin’ Large June 16, 2010

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 15,2010

Rush’s Morning Update: Livin’ Large
June 16, 2010

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In 2007, Nancy Pelosi raised eyebrows when she demanded that the previous House speaker’s airplane be scrapped for a much bigger one, the size of a Boeing 757. Pelosi claimed that she merely wanted to avoid having to refuel between Washington and San Francisco, where she lives.

Last year, more eyebrows were raised when it was learned thatPelosi was using the US Air Force as her own personal airline,commandeering a fleet of jets to shuttle her family and staff. Her underlings even wrote nasty memos to the Air Force when specific jets weren’t available.

Now Pelosi has raised eyebrows again; not over her taxpayer-funded fleet, but over her taxpayer-funded office space. According to recent reports,Pelosi abandoned the district offices she’s been in for 20 yearsfor fresh new ones. The new office has 33 percent more space, but it will cost taxpayers 300 percent more:$19,000 a month for rent! That’s double the next-highest rent paid by a House member. This time, Pelosi’s excuse for the price tag is her supposed security needsand better energy bills.

Since Democrats have run this government, millions of Americans have been foreclosed on, and millions more have houses underwater. The program Obama’s Democrats claimed would help keep people in their homes is a total bust.

Sowith all that failure around,it’s surenice to see somebody is living large — even though it’s not on her own dime. She’s living large on us. Typical liberal Democrat punk.

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