Jan Brewer and Sarah Palin Put Male Republican Officials to Shame

by Rush Limbaugh - May 18,2010

RUSH: We had these sound bites yesterday of the governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, and Sarah Palin. They got ten times the guts of all the guts combined of the male Republicans in the US Senate. I couldn’t believe those two sound bites. Cookie, grab those two sound bites because people may not have heard them yesterday, not instantly. Whenever you have time, we’ll squeeze ’em in there.


RUSH: I want you to hear these, the governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, last Saturday in Phoenix, blasting the president of the United States. Now, I want to ask you, when is the last time you heard a male Republican of any stripe, elected official, say anything like this about Obama?

BREWER: While the president is making wisecracks and playing racial politics, some groups have suggested that Arizona be punished for enforcing laws that our federal government has failed to enforce. That is misguided at best. Our purpose today is to help the rest of the nation understand the crisis which confronts our state. Our nation’s government is broken. Our border is being erased, and the president apparently considers it a wonderful opportunity to divide people along racial lines for his personal political convenience.

RUSH: I mean that is what you call a blast. That’s last Saturday, the governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, with fortitude, courage, and guts rarely seen in the Republican Party these days. She has no fear of what anybody’s going to say about her because what she knows is, they’re already saying it. She’s not waiting around for a puff piece from the Washington Post style section or the New York Times, nor is she attempting to avoid being criticized in either. She is representing the people of the state of Arizona, and particularly those who elected her. And she wasn’t through.

BREWER: It’s fair to ask whether he intends to be the commander-in-chief or the comic-in-chief. Since the president’s joke was so inappropriate, I suppose if I wanted to join in the comedian game, I could suggest that he not give up his day job. Unfortunately, though, he isn’t doing very well at that one, either.

RUSH: And here’s Obama, this is what she was talking about from May 1st, the White House Correspondents Dinner. Keep in mind this is the president of the United States.

OBAMA: We all know what happens in Arizona when you don’t have ID. (laughter) Adios, amigos!

RUSH: There’s Barack Obama, his material written for him by the writers, the 12 writers on Jon Stewart’s show at Comedy Central. Twelve writers from Comedy Central wrote the Bamster’s routine.