Tea Party Protests White Liberals

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 15,2010

RUSH: Brian from New Jersey, on the way to DC. Welcome to the program, sir. Hi.

CALLER: Hey, how are you doing? We’re here now.

RUSH: Oh, you made it. Good.

CALLER: Yes, pretty good. I want to know where else you can get a Puerto Rican and Irish guy, middle class who are union members, right-wing extremist tea partiers here to protest a lot of white liberals. What are we, rapists?

RUSH: (laughing) Let me see I get this straight. You have a Puerto Rican-Irish guy, you got a middle class union members right-wing extremist tea partiers. So you got a cross section, an ethnic cross section there protesting a lot of white liberals?

CALLER: A lot of white liberals, yeah. Seems like there’s two and a half white people that are —

RUSH: You know, that pretty much sums this up. It is white liberals that are being protested. You are exactly right!

CALLER: Yeah. This is our 15th tea party. We come down here. We have a website. We come down and get some video and stuff like that and we just try to get the word out, and we protest a lot of white liberals that are spending us into oblivion.

RUSH: That they are.

CALLER: I thought we were going to get pulled over for a while because this federal officer was following us and we have this ‘Idiots for Obama’ sticker on the back of our car, but he turned away. We were like, ‘Thank God.’ We thought we were going to get pulled over by a federal agent trying to look for a parking spot down here.

RUSH: Wait a minute. You were driving in and you have an Obama sticker on the back of your car?

CALLER: Oh, yeah. It’s IdiotsforObama.com. We’re not shy about it. You know, we’re here. We’re not cowards. We’re here to protest. You know, what’s the truth? I think Obama supporters are idiots.

RUSH: Wow. But you didn’t get pulled over?

CALLER: No, he followed us for about a block, and I’m like sitting here nervous going, ‘Oh, should we make a left, should we make a right, or keep going straight,’ and then the cop pulled off to the left because we heard rumors they were pulling over people with any Obama stickers on their cars.

RUSH: What does your Obama sticker say, then?

CALLER: It says IdiotsforObama.com on it.

RUSH: Oh. (chuckles)

CALLER: It’s just a website that lets people… You know, it’s just a website that lets… It’s all the truth.

RUSH: No, I’m trying to put myself in the seat of the federal agent following you for the block. He sees on your bumper the bumper sticker ‘IdiotsforObama.com’ and he’s gotta be thinking, ‘Is the guy inside the car saying he’s an idiot for Obama?’

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: ”Cause otherwise why would he put the sticker on his car?’

CALLER: Well, no, because it was a Web address. It’s right next to my union sticker, my local number, you know? It’s right next to my union identification.

RUSH: I’m sure the federal agent had to be confused: Idiots for Obama next to a union sticker. What kind of car you driving?

CALLER: It’s a big SUV.

RUSH: Oh-ho-ho.

CALLER: I put all the carbon I can possible put coming here.

RUSH: Man, oh, man! They didn’t know what to do with you. That’s why they gave up after a block.

CALLER: He was driving an SUV police vehicle.

RUSH: Well, that’s okay. The regime can do that. The regime has no restrictions on what they drive.

CALLER: Exactly, hypocrites.

RUSH: So you’re at the tea party now? How many people would you say were there? Take a wild guess.

CALLER: Right now there’s tens of thousands. When I was here last September it was definitely over a million. But this is only the first part. There’s another part down by the monument at five o’clock and on Capitol Hill four o’clock. There’s going to be different ones. They seemed like they broke it up this year.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: Where before it was just everybody met at one spot and marched all the way up to the Hill.

RUSH: Well, have fun. Have fun out there as you protest.

CALLER: It’s going to be a fun day.

RUSH: I can tell. Have fun as you’re out there protesting white liberals. (laughing) What a great way to put it. I mean, that’s exactly what’s going on.


RUSH: Derek in California. Welcome.

CALLER: Ruuuush! Mega dittos from your adopted hometown of Sacramento.

RUSH: Thank you, sir.

CALLER: Yeah, listened to you for 20-some years here. Just want to clarify something on your being, what, 98, 99% right at a time?

RUSH: ‘Almost always 99.6%.’

CALLER: There you go. Well, I’m the small portion which you’re wrong about, and that’s I’m here at my second tea party. I’m going to visit a lot of my fellow state employees at the tea party.

RUSH: Well, okay. That’s wonderful news. But where am I wrong?

CALLER: Heh. Well, sometimes you take public employees and whatnot don’t believe in the problems that we’re having with government.

RUSH: No. Public employee union leaders. It’s your leaders and your state people mismanaging your pension, not you.

CALLER: Oh yeah. That’s why I left my union several years ago.

RUSH: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I’m fully aware that rank-and-file union people government and outside have a diversity of ideological membership. I’m not surprised here that there are state workers in tea parties around the country. Not at all.

Tommy in Chicago, you’re next. Welcome to the program.

CALLER: Rush, I just got back from a tea party down here in Chicago downtown. It was phenomenal. They had one guy stirring up the crowd. He was like an infiltrator, walking around with (of all things) an ‘Arrest Bush’ sign. Every time he went somewhere and got in someone’s face the network cameras were right there to cause trouble and they were taking a picture of him.

RUSH: What a dumb infiltrator.

CALLER: They focused on him. I couldn’t believe it.

RUSH: Oh, I totally believe it. What they were hoping for is that one of you in the crowd would sock the guy, take him out, punch him in the nose or something. That’s what they were hoping you would do. What an idiot infiltrate rarity. ‘Arrest Bush’? The sign ought to be ‘Arrest Obama’. Arrest Obama would theoretically accomplish their mission and that would be to incite the tea party people into all kind of hysterical agreement with the guy. Arrest Bush? That’s a direct, front-face provocation. Everybody in the tea party is looking out for this stuff today. It doesn’t appear — we’re still early in the day, we have to admit this, but it doesn’t appear yet — that there have been a whole lot of news making infiltrators at these tea party events but that doesn’t mean it did happen and remember it doesn’t have to happen to be reported.

We’ve learned that. There were no racial epithets thrown at black congressmen walking to the Capitol on Obamacare Sunday, and yet it happened. It was reported as to it happened! So keep a sharp eye.