We’re getting the audio of this. He went up to the broadcast booth to one of the White Sox announcers, Rob Dibble, a former Major League pitcher who I’ve had the pleasure of meeting at Joe Buck’s golf tournament. Obama walked out there in a White Sox hat. He shoulda gone out there waving the white flag given what’s come in this morning, but he went out there wearing his White Sox hat. He went up to the broadcast booth and Dibble asked him to name his favorite White Sox player, and he couldn’t, he couldn’t name anybody. At least this is what I have been told. I just sent the audio up to Cookie to listen to and see if that is indeed the case. (interruption) ‘Do they play baseball in Obama’s home country?’ You mean Kenya, like Michelle said yesterday? I doubt it. I think they probably only play soccer. I don’t know if they play baseball in Kenya. I know that we don’t have any major leaguers from Kenya on any rosters.
RUSH: All right. Here it is yesterday on the Mid-Atlantic Sports Network’s broadcast of the Washington Nationals baseball game, guest in the booth, Obama. The color analyst, Rob Dibble, says, ‘Having played with the White Sox for a short time, I know how the Cubs fans and the White Sox fans go back and forth. Which or who is one of your favorite White Sox players growing up?’
OBAMA: You know, uh, I thought that, uh, you know, the truth is that a lot of the Cubs I liked, too, uh, but I did not become a Sox fan until I moved to Chicago. Because I, uh, you know, I was growing up, uh, in Hawaii, and so I ended up actually being an Oakland A’s fan. But when I moved to Chicago, uh, I was living close to what was then Cominskey (sic) Park.
DIBBLE: Right.
OBAMA: And went to a couple games and just fell in love. And the nice thing about the Sox is it’s real blue-collar baseball.
RUSH: This is unbelievable! It’s Comiskey Park, or it was, it’s not ‘Cominskey.’ ‘Cominskey’ is some Russian communist hero. ‘Cominskey’ Park? Folks, my gosh, this is on a par with who? I’ve heard so many sound bites like this from so many so-called experts on things. I gotta hear this again. I simply have to hear this again. Obviously there’s no teleprompter. Obviously nobody told Obama, ‘Hey, have some White Sox players name in mind.’ (imitating Obama) ‘Oh, yeah, I grew up in Hawaii. I was an Oakland fan.’ Then name somebody that played for Oakland. He could not name a single name. This is riotous. This is the leader of the regime!
OBAMA: You know, uh, I thought that, uh, you know, the truth is that a lot of the Cubs I liked, too, uh, but I did not become a Sox fan until I moved to Chicago. Because I, uh, you know, I was growing up, uh, in Hawaii, and so I ended up actually being an Oakland A’s fan. But when I moved to Chicago, uh, I was living close to what was then Cominskey (sic) Park.
DIBBLE: Right.
OBAMA: And went to a couple games and just fell in love. And the nice thing about the Sox is it’s real blue-collar baseball.
RUSH: How does he know? How does he know what blue-collar baseball is? I mean class warfare and baseball. So the Cubs are the elites, the Cubs are the rich, the White Sox are the blue-collar team? ‘Cominskey’ Park? It’s Comiskey, or was, C-o-m-i-s-k-e-y. Folks, this is — (laughing) — this guy, I mean baseball’s the national past time. This guy is clueless. He’s literally clueless. I think, Snerdley, we’ve had your question answered. They don’t get radio broadcasts of American baseball in Kenya nor do they play the game there. John Kerry was asked during the Democrat convention which was in Boston, ‘Who is your favorite Red Sox player?’ and you know what his answer was? He said Manny Ortiz. He meant David Ortiz. (laughing) But these guys, these elitists. They’re just hilarious. But this is a guy that’s redesigned your health care.
This is a guy that’s showing the white flag of surrender when it comes to our nuclear arsenal.
This is the leader of the regime.
RUSH: Yeah, so John Kerry says ‘Manny Ortiz.’ He either meant Manny Ramirez or David Ortiz, his favorite player for the Red Sox. Yesterday in Washington President Obama was asked by Rob Dibble to name his favorite White Sox player growing up.
OBAMA: You know, uh, I thought that, uh, you know, the truth is that a lot of the Cubs I liked, too, uh, but I did not become a Sox fan until I moved to Chicago. Because I, uh, you know, I was growing up, uh, in Hawaii, and so I ended up actually being an Oakland A’s fan. But when I moved to Chicago, uh, I was living close to what was then Cominskey (sic) Park.
DIBBLE: Right.
OBAMA: And went to a couple games and just fell in love. And the nice thing about the Sox is it’s real blue-collar baseball.
RUSH: What we’re doing, we’re peeling the onion way one layer at a time to get to the core of this guy, the leader of the regime. This is America’s national pastime, or was, and it’s still a very popular event in the hearts of many Americans. This guy is clueless. Cominskey, I still can’t get over that. Cominskey Park, Cominskey is some famous Soviet communist. Now, there was a player named — no, it wasn’t Cominskey, it was Art Shamsky. It’s almost like he purposefully mispronouncing it. I mean, everybody in Chicago knows it’s Comiskey Park.
RUSH: This is why I think Obama’s making it up on ‘Cominskey’ Park. He’s not that stupid. I think he’s taunting guys like us. I really do. Let’s go back, July 14th, last summer, major league All-Star Game on the MLB network, Bob Costas is interviewing Obama, says, ‘That White Sox jacket, that White Sox windbreaker. Make no bones about it, you’re a South Sider. You’re a White Sox guy, not a Cubs guy?’
OBAMA: Listen. I’m not a Cubs hater. There’s a certain type of White Sox fan that actively roots against the Cubs so when the — the Bartman —
COSTAS: Right.
OBAMA: There were people who celebrated on the South Side. I’m not one of those guys. I wish them well unless they’re playing the White Sox. But I do think that there’s a different quality to what used to be Cominskey Field versus Wrigley.
RUSH: Okay, so he called it ‘Cominskey’ Field last July. He called it ‘Cominskey’ Park yesterday. He has to make sure that he lets everybody know he doesn’t hate the Cubs. (interruption) Well, I know he was prepped for the first one, but he knows the name of the guy who caught the fair ball that destroyed the Cubs’ chances in the World Series, he knows that guy’s name, but he can’t name a single player on the White Sox. He stumbled around on it. I keep repeating myself, but I can’t believe that throw is legit, and saying ‘Cominskey Park’ twice. After you do it the first time, somebody’s going to take him aside and say, ‘Oh, no, no. It’s
RUSH: You know, I’m having second thoughts on this. I just checked the e-mail, and I got an e-mail from a subscriber at RushLimbaugh.com: ‘Wait a minute, you may be giving him too much credit on this ‘Cominskey’ Park business, because ‘Cominskey’ rhymes with ‘Alinsky,” and clearly Alinsky is in the guy’s head rent free, just like I am. ‘Cominskey,’ Alinsky, and I’m told that some of the ethnic population of Chicago pronounces it ‘Cominskey,’ people that Obama might be hanging around with when he’s growing up — who knows? — organizing, agitating. I still can’t believe it, though.
RUSH: President Obama in the broadcast booth yesterday being asked to name his favorite players on the Chicago White Sox.
OBAMA: You know, uh, I thought that, uh, you know, the truth is that a lot of the Cubs I liked, too, uh, but I did not become a Sox fan until I moved to Chicago. Because I, uh, you know, I was growing up, uh, in Hawaii, and so I ended up actually being an Oakland A’s fan. But when I moved to Chicago, uh, I was living close to what was then Cominskey (sic) Park.
DIBBLE: Right.
OBAMA: And went to a couple games and just fell in love. And the nice thing about the Sox is it’s real blue-collar baseball.
RUSH: What the hell is blue-collar baseball? I mean if there’s a blue-collar team in that town, it’s the Chicago Bears of the National Football League. If this guy was an Oakland A’s fan, is it because Oakland is closer to Hawaii and somehow they got Oakland A’s games on the radio in Hawaii? If he’s an A’s fan, at the time he was growing up, at the time he was a teenager, I mean the A’s, blue-collar, Rollie Fingers, Sal Bando, these clowns, Gene Tenace, these guys were winning three World Series in a row, and he couldn’t name one of them, either? The bottom line is this guy doesn’t know a thing about baseball. Whether he’s mispronouncing Comiskey Park on purpose or not, he doesn’t know a thing about baseball, it doesn’t matter to him, may have been to a couple of games, he doesn’t know diddly-squat. It wasn’t part of his experience growing up.