Sebelius: Goal is to Reduce Profits

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 24,2010

RUSH: More vindication for El Rushbo and all of us. Yesterday afternoon on MSNBC, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, on the drug companies…

SEBELIUS: Well, the drug companies will have their profits reduced by close to $90 billion over the lifetime of this bill. That’s part of the strategy moving forward.

RUSH: So their goal– their goal! — is to reduce drug company profits. Bye-bye, research and development on any new drugs. Bye-bye, American empire.


RUSH: Here’s Kathleen Sebelius again, yesterday afternoon on MSNBC discussing the future of the pharmaceutical industry.

SEBELIUS: Well, the drug companies will have their profits reduced by close to $90 billion over the lifetime of this bill. That’s part of the strategy moving forward.

RUSH: Part of the strategy moving forward is to reduce the profits of drug companies by $90 billion. The sad thing is that that sounds good to about 30% of the people. But how does anybody expect the drug companies to come up with anything new? How do they expect them to do research and development in new drugs? People have that expectation, too. Americans have the expectation that health care here is better than anywhere else and that it continues to be. If you take the profits out of the drug companies, why even exist? They announce it, that’s their intention. Vindication for El Rushbo.