Dick Durbin Undercuts Obama Claim on Insurance Premiums

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 10,2010

RUSH: Dick Durbin, of all people, is out there undercutting Obama. We’ve got two sound bites, this is Monday morning in Glenside, Pennsylvania, here’s Obama talking about his health care bill.

OBAMA: My cost-cutting measures mirror most of the proposals in the current Senate bill which reduces most people’s premiums.

RUSH: This morning on the Senate floor here is Senator Dick Durbin speaking.

DURBIN: Anyone who would stand before you and say, “Well, if you pass health care reform next year’s health care premiums are going down,” I don’t think is telling the truth.

RUSH: Dick Durbin has just called President Obama a liar. He just called him a liar. The rest of Durbin’s comment: “Nobody ever said we’re going to bring the rates down. What we’re going to do is slow the rate of growth.” (laughing) So his own party is undercutting President Obama.


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