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RUSH: This is great. Scott Brown has responded to Plugs Biden. Plugs Biden all over television, he and Cheney had this back-and-forth, we’ve got the audio on it, but, frankly, Biden bores me. Cookie, hold those Biden and Cheney bites over for tomorrow. I may want to use ’em. But on Slay the Nation, Bob Schieffer interviewed Plugs, said, ‘Let’s talk a little bit about the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was scheduled to be held in New York, the attorney general said they’re going to do that. He thought this would set an example for the world, and then suddenly after the election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts who said we ought to be spending money catching terrorists, not spending money to make sure they had a lawyer to defend ’em and talking about civilian trials and all that, suddenly the mayor of New York said we don’t need to do this.’

BIDEN: Look, I can tell you two things. I don’t know whether the new Senator from Massachusetts understands when you get tried in a military tribunal you get a lawyer, too, so it’s good if we begin to learn the facts about all these things. You get a lawyer whether you’re in a military tribunal or whether you’re in a federal court, number one.

RUSH: This is the typical condescending arrogance that you get from the left. The difference is that Scott Brown has fired back at this. ‘Sen. Scott Brown thinks Vice President Joe Biden was ‘off base’ when he suggested Sunday that the Massachusetts Republican get his facts straight on the legal procedures for military tribunals. ‘It was insulting,’ said Brown, who frequently jabbed the administration during his Senate campaign for giving suspected terrorists legal representation. … Brown said he is particularly incensed by Biden’s remarks because he’s served in the Massachusetts Army National Guard for more than 30 years and is currently the Guard’s top defense attorney in New England. ‘I know the military rules and regulations and procedures from A to Z,’ Brown said.’ This is in Politico today. ‘Brown said he was spending time with his younger daughter, Arianna, who was home from Syracuse University, Sunday when he learned that Biden had taken a swing at him. ‘I was actually surprised,’ said Brown. When Biden swore him into office they had a nice chat –‘ Yeah, well, learn from this, Scott. ‘– Brown said, and the vice president told him he could visit the vice presidential residence. ‘I would have thought that he would have reached out personally rather than go through the media,’ Brown said. ‘I’m not quite sure what the message to me was, but I felt that it was important enough to respond.” Scott Brown not taking it. I like it.

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