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Rush’s Morning Update: Restless
February 12, 2010

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A few days ago, I told you the Democrats are having trouble raising money from Wall Street. Their usually dependable rich Wall Street donors have been turned off in droves by Obama’s anti-bank, anti-capitalist class warfare. In fact, JP Morgan has refused to give money to Democrats, while donating to Republicans.

Well – get this. The largest gay rights group in New Jersey voted unanimously to stop giving contributions to all political parties – and they’re asking their members to follow suit. Republicans are unaffected. They never gave money to Republicans. The group says Democrats have abandoned their civil rights promises to gays. Their anti-Democrat campaign is called, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Give” – and New Jersey gay Democrats hope it spreads. Nationwide. They say they are tired of being an “appendage” of the Democrat Party. No further comment needed.

Meanwhile – labor groups are absolutely furious, livid, gangsta-mad at Democrats. After the tens of millions spent getting Obama elected and giving Democrats huge majorities in the House and Senate, there’s little to show for it. No “card check,” no liberal activist lawyers on the National Labor Relations Board, and they almost got sold out on health care.

John Gage, head of the Government Employees union, complains that labor is “getting thrown under the bus again.” The head of the steelworkers union says: it’s no use pretending anymore – they’re going to have a hard time getting the union vote out in November.

My friends, it appears the natives are restless. Bad for the Democrats. Good for America.

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