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RUSH: This whole administration some days is a Scott Ott satire, a Saturday Night Live script. Larry King Live again last night, Joe Biden said this about Iraq…

BIDEN: I’m very optimistic about — about Iraq, and this can be one of the great achievements of this administration. You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the, uh, end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.

RUSH: Do you know how hard it is to really not blow a gasket when you hear something like this? In the first place, it was Joe Lieberman that wanted to cut that country in three. It was Joe Lieberman and Barack Obama who opposed the surge, who proclaimed defeat in front of General Petraeus. They opposed everything that led to whatever they think now is stable in Iraq. Obama and Biden wanted to leave in defeat! Harry Reid: ‘This war is lost.’ These people threw the US military under the bus! These people were doing everything they can to secure a defeat for the United States military and he has the chutzpah to go on Larry King Live and say, ‘This could be one of the great achievements of this administration.’ Now, I know that there is rabid hatred for anything Bush in the far left of this country, and I just wonder if they even fall for this. One of the great achievements of this administration? They don’t have an achievement, folks. Not as you and I would measure achievements. The Obama administration doesn’t have one thing they have done positively for this country. I was all set to say that I think maybe Obama is dumber than Biden, until I heard that.


RUSH: We’re going to have some audio coming up very soon, ladies and gentlemen. It’s Joe Biden saying he was going to ram Iraq down Bush’s throat, and another one of Biden saying, ‘Petraeus is dead wrong.’ We could probably do a half hour of Biden quotes on what was wrong with the Iraq policy that they inherited, that they now claim was ‘one of the great achievements’ of the Obama administration: Iraq. See, I hear something like this, and I ask myself: ‘Who…? Who has been paying attention the last three years, can possibly believe that or fall for it?’ I’m serious. Who could possibly buy that?


RUSH: Audio sound bite number 12 and we’ve dug up a couple others from our archive. Mike, number 22, 23 today. Here is Biden last night on Larry King Alive talking about Iraq.

BIDEN: I’m very optimistic about — about Iraq, and this can be one of the great achievements of this administration. You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the, uh, end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.

RUSH: Everything he mentions he inherited. Every last word of that is the result of the Bush-Cheney administration — ‘the troops coming home,’ ‘the stable Iraq government’ — and yet this ‘could be one of the great achievements of this administration’? Why do we believe anything these people say ever? Why do we even grant them the notion that they are sane? This is worse than chutzpah, folks. This is insulting everybody’s intelligence. From December 26th, 2006, an Associated Press story: ‘Biden Vows to Fight Any Iraq Troop Boost.’ This was prior to the surge. Anne Flaherty, AP writer: ‘Sen. Joseph Biden, the incoming chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said he will fight President Bush if the administration decides to send more US troops to Iraq. Biden, who has his eye on the Democratic presidential nomination, also warned that if congressional Republicans do not join him in speaking out against Bush that they — not Democrats — will suffer in the 2008 elections. ‘I just think it’s the absolute wrong strategy,’ Biden said Tuesday of an increase in troops,’ that very increase now he’s claiming is one of the great achievements of this administration. Biden said — you’ll remember this when I tell you. He came out of the meeting, he was talking to the press, and he said he delivered this message in a recent meeting. He told Mr. Bush, ‘Mr. President, this is your war.’ This is your war! Let’s move forward from 2006 to 2007. April 27th, Columbia, South Carolina, at Jim Clyburn’s annual fish fry, Senator Biden mingling with audience members and an unidentified audience member says, ‘When the president kills that bill on the first, what’s going to be the next version of that bill that you are going to send him?’

BIDEN 2007: The first thing I’m going to do is veto that bill and I’m going to take out that money for those MRAPs, those — those vehicles to save lives over there. The idea we’re not — I gotta kid going over there — the idea that we’re not building new Humvees with the V-shaped thing is just crap, man! Kids are dying that don’t have to die. The second thing we’re going to do is shove it down his throat.

RUSH: The second thing we’re going to do is shove it down his throat. Joe Biden, April 27th, 2007. Go back to sound bite number 12 once again where Biden said this last night on Larry King Alive.

BIDEN: I’m very optimistic about — about Iraq, and this can be one of the great achievements of this administration. You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the, uh, end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.

RUSH: Everything he’s taking credit for he inherited. He opposed everything that led to that which he now takes credit for and he actively fought it and said he was going to ‘ram it down Bush’s throat.’ On Meet the Press September 9th, 2007, Tim Russert said, ‘General Petraeus said in a letter to his troops, ‘My sense is that we have achieved tactical momentum, have wrested the initiative from our enemies in a number of years in Iraq. We are, in short, a long way from the goal line but we do have the ball and we’re driving down the field.’ Is that what you expect him to say tomorrow?’

BIDEN 2007: He’s dead, flat wrong. The fact of the matter is that there is — that this — uh — this idea of the security gains we made have had no impact on the underlying sectarian dynamic. None. None whatsoever. Can anybody envision a central government made up of Sunni, Shi’a, and Kurds that’s going to gain the trust and respect of 27 million Iraqis? There have been some tactical gains, but they have no ultimate bearing at this point on the prospect of there being a political settlement in Iraq that would allow American troops to come home without leaving chaos behind.

RUSH: Folks, this is serious stuff, because that’s exactly what happened. It is exactly what happened, and yet Biden… I want to play these two sound bites again. I don’t want you to forget this. Because that sound bite you just heard is exactly what happened. Biden said there was no way it would happen. So here he is last night again on Larry King Alive (maybe), claiming that Iraq… You anti-war people on the left, are you hearing this? Your guys are now claiming credit for ‘a great achievement’ in their administration, the Iraq war? Here’s what Biden said.

BIDEN: I’m very optimistic about — about Iraq, and this can be one of the great achievements of this administration. You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the, uh, end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.

RUSH: I mean, this is the guy who wanted to cut the country in three! Okay, so it’s a great achievement, a great achievement this administration: Iraq, 90,000 coming home, a stable government. Meet the Press September 9, 2007.

BIDEN 2007: He’s dead, flat wrong. The fact of the matter is that there is — that this — uh — this idea of the security gains we made have had no impact on the underlying sectarian dynamic. None. None whatsoever. Can anybody envision a central government made up of Sunni, Shi’a, and Kurds that’s going to gain the trust and respect of 27 million Iraqis? There have been some tactical gains, but they have no ultimate bearing at this point on the prospect of there being a political settlement in Iraq that would allow American troops to come home without leaving chaos behind.

RUSH: It’s exactly what happened! It is precisely what happened. He ‘inherited’ all of this that he says constitutes a great achievement for his stupid administration, every damn bit of the policy from George W. Bush and Cheney. These are the guys that said Petraeus is a liar. These are the guys who supported that New York Times ad saying the surge would never work. Harry Reid: ‘This war is lost.’ You military people, I hope you’re hearing this because these are the people in your country running your show. These are the most dishonest, the most diabolical people that have led this country in my lifetime. They are sick, mentally unstable. I don’t know who their friends are anymore. We are talking about this at the top of the hour. The gays in the military, they’re not happy with them anymore. The Hispanics are kind of docile: ‘Where’s the immigration bill?’

Al Sharpton, by the way, might have been… (interruption) Hi. My picture is being taken. Let me pose for the picture here, again. I will not lose my train of thought. Okay. You know, I always say that Obama is the least experienced, least qualified guy whenever he walks into a room. Yesterday was an exception: Al Sharpton walked into the Oval Office, along with Ben Jealous of the NAALCP. I think, in that case, it’s a close call, but Obama might have been a little bit more experienced and qualified depending on what was discussed. But these guys are upset because there haven’t been any jobs in the black community. I mean, who in his coalition is happy? The unions are ticked off, Wall Street’s ticked off. Every member of his coalition is mad at him or ambivalent right now. But you anti-war people! The anti-war, ‘Bush is evil’ is what propelled this guy to the White House, and now your guy and Biden are claiming credit for a brilliant achievement in Iraq!


RUSH: Yes. Back we are. Rush Limbaugh, again having regained my composure from once again being exposed to a genuine fool: Joe Biden. He’s a genuine embarrassment. On the same show — after these outrageous, foolish comments about the great Iraq achievement of the Obama administration — Larry King says (doing impression): ‘Sarah Palin. What do you say?’

BIDEN: Well, you know, it’s — it’s s-sort of like, uh, some — some of the comments made are just so far sorta out there. I — I — I just don’t know where they come from.

RUSH: You don’t understand common sense, then. ‘[S]ome of the comments are so far out there.’ You mean like you claiming credit as a great achievement, your Iraq policy? Or how about this. September 9th, 2008, Columbia, Missouri.

BIDEN 2008: Uh, uh, Chuck Graham, state senator, is here. Stand up, Chuck. Let ’em see you. (rimshot) Oh, God love you. What am I talking about? (rimshot) I tell you what, you’re making everybody else stand up, though, pal. (rimshot) I tell you what, stand up for Chuck! (rimshot)

RUSH: That was a Democrat Missouri state Senator Chuck Graham who is in a wheelchair, and Biden said, ‘Stand up, Chuck! Oh, my God, what am I..? Oh, God. Everybody stand up. Stand up for Chuck!’ Chuck said (paraphrased), ‘What the hell is happening here? Why is everybody standing up for me? Why is everybody highlighting the fact I can’t stand up?’ Brought to you by Joe Biden.


RUSH: I’m not going to let go of this Biden comment last night, ladies and gentlemen, on Larry King: ‘Iraq could be one of the great achievements of this administration.’ It’s pure hypocrisy. I wonder, too, if this is going to be something that gets Biden into trouble, because Biden’s out there saying (paraphrased): ‘Hey, hey, look at what we’ve done! We’ve had victory in Iraq, victory in Iraq,’ and that’s not something the left wants to hear.

By the way, at the White House press briefing, this idiot press secretary, Robert Gibbs, just said the administration doesn’t believe Iran is a nuclear state. Gibbs said, ‘We don’t believe that Iran has the capabilities to enrich uranium to 20%,’ and yet this is the same administration that didn’t even know that Iran had a second nuclear power plant in addition to the one they had admitted to. So this is all very reassuring. But back to Joe Biden and the true history of Biden and Obama and the Democrats on the war in Iraq. April 2007.

BIDEN 2007: Last night, like millions of my fellow Americans, I listened intently to the president of the United States lay out his new strategy for Iraq. We all hoped and prayed that the president would present us with a plan that would make things better. Instead, I fear, that what the president has proposed is more likely to make things worse.

RUSH: He’s talking about the surge, which made things better, that now Biden credits for and claims as having been a great achievement of his administration. March 14th, 2007.

BIDEN 2007: (screaming) What happens after we surge these women and men? And, by the way, he said president — General Petraeus is — is one who believes — He may be the only one who believes this is a good idea! Virtually, no one else think it’s a good idea!

RUSH: Barack Obama January 10th, 2007: The surge will not work.

OBAMA 2007: I am not persuaded that, uh, 20,000 additional troops in Iraq is gonna, uh, solve the sectarian violence there. In fact I think it will do the reverse. I think it takes pressure off the Iraqis to arrive at the sort of political accommodation that every observer believes is the ultimate solution, uh, to the problems we face there.

RUSH: There you go. Obama: Surge won’t work, January 10th, 2007. Biden again, March 2007.

BIDEN 2007: (screaming) This is a cycle of self-sustaining sectarian violence that 20,000, 30,000, 50,000, a hundred thousand Americans will not be able to stop!

RUSH: Joe Biden, claiming credit last night for the surge as being a great achievement of the Obama administration. Obama again, January 2007, saying there is no ‘military solution.’

OBAMA 2007: We cannot impose a military solution on what effectively become a civil war. And until we acknowledge that reality, uh, we can send 15,000 more troops, 20,000 more troops, 30,000 more troops. Uh, I don’t know any expert, uh, on the region or any military officer that I’ve spoken to, uh, privately that believes that that is going to make a substantial difference on the situation on the ground.

RUSH: Doesn’t this sound familiar? He hasn’t talked to an economist who thinks the tax cut would work. He hasn’t talked to an economist who thinks anything that would work would work. He hasn’t talked to anybody! He never talks to anybody who thinks that what will work will work. He talks to ignoramuses. He is an ignoramus. He talks to idiots! And Biden goes out there and claims credit for all of this as ‘a great achievement’ of the Obama administration. Here is Obama last year after taking office. On February 27th, 2009, changing his tune…

OBAMA 2009: The situation in Iraq has improved. Violence has been reduced substantially from the horrific sectarian killing of 2006 and 2007. Al-Qaeda in Iraq has been dealt a serious blow by our troops and Iraq security forces and through our partnership with Sunni Arabs. The capacity of Iraq’s security forces has improved and Iraq’s leaders have taken steps towards political accommodation.

RUSH: No thanks to Barack Obama or Joe Biden. They opposed every step of what led to success. You want to hear the man who won the war in Iraq? We go back to January 10th, 2007.

BUSH 2007: This is a strong commitment. But for it to succeed, our commanders say the Iraqis will need our help. So America will change our strategy to help the Iraqis carry out their campaign to put down sectarian violence and bring security to the people of Baghdad. This will require increasing American force levels. So I have committed more than 20,000 additional American troops to Iraq. The vast majority of them — five brigades — will be deployed to Baghdad.

(playing of Obama parody song: What’d Joe Say?)

RUSH: That’s ‘white comedian’ Paul Shanklin as Barack Obama as Ray Charles and What’d Joe Say?


RUSH: It just keeps getting better and better and better. Somehow a reporter asked this idiot press secretary, Robert Gibbs, this afternoon at the press briefing: ‘The vice president said last night that Iraq could be ‘one of the president’s greatest achievements.’ Given that the vice president was in favor of a partial partition of the country and the president opposed the surge that helped stabilize it, how is that one of the president’s great achievements?’

GIBBS: Getting our troops home, which we intend to do in August of this year.

REPORTER: The agreement to bring the troops home was signed before the president took office.

GIBBS: We will long debate Iraq. We will long debate whether at a very important moment in our efforts to root out terrorism — uh, particularly in Afghanistan on that border region with Pakistan, whether — we took our eye off the ball, historians will debate that long after we’re gone. The vice president’s been deeply involved in fixing the political process there so that elections can be held and our troops can, uhhh, come home as scheduled, uh, this summer.

RUSH: Biden fixed Iraq? Folks, you just heard the sound bites. Biden didn’t do anything but try to secure defeat. This is seriously, psychologically problematic. This is not just lying and trying to recast history. This is dangerous to have people like this in positions of power. I mean, people around the world listen to this stuff and they think, ‘We’re dealing with idiots in the White House.’ They gotta be out there laughing themselves silly at the two people running this country.

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