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RUSH: There’s big, big, big chatter out there, ladies and gentlemen, and it’s all over NPR and throughout the Internet. Apparently there is a billboard out there in Wyoming, Minnesota, got a huge photo of former President Bush on it with this question: ‘Miss me yet?’ We haven’t seen this, it’s just a rumor. However, there is a friend of NPR’s, Bob Collins, Minnesota Public Radio who assures us he’s seen it with his own eyes. There’s a picture here, but in this day and age nobody knows if the picture has been Photoshopped or what have you.


RUSH: Debbie in Stacy, Minnesota, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.



CALLER: I’m calling about the billboard. And it is for real. I live about three miles north of it.

RUSH: Now, you’re in Stacy, Minnesota. This billboard’s outside Wyoming, Minnesota?

CALLER: Right. It’s in between Wyoming and Stacy. It’s on the east side of 35 in between the Twin Cities and Duluth.

RUSH: Oh, the Twin Cities?

CALLER: Yep. Yep.

RUSH: So between the Twin Cities and Duluth on the east side of 35?

CALLER: Yep. And it’s between Stacy and Wyoming.

RUSH: No offense here, no offense, Debbie, it’s a strange place to put a billboard.

CALLER: Yeah, I know, we don’t know how it — you know, it just all of a sudden showed up one time, and it is really cool.

RUSH: It’s Bush standing there, he’s got a little gleam his eye.

CALLER: Yeah, he’s sitting there and there’s little words that say ‘Miss me yet?’ And he’s got his little smile and it’s really cool.

RUSH: ‘Miss me yet?’


RUSH: Oh, the people at NPR and the liberal blogs will be upset to learn that it’s real.

CALLER: No, it is for real. We pass by it all the time.

RUSH: Now that you’ve mentioned this, next time you drive by there are going to be some tomatoes on there, people will throw some eggs on it. It’s happened to one of my billboards out in Sacramento.


RUSH: You keep a sharp eye out. We just got a phone call, by the way, folks that one has been spotted in Lafayette, Louisiana, as well, so they’re real, they’re popping up all over. We don’t know who’s doing it, though. George W. Bush: Miss me yet?


RUSH: Looks like we’re getting closer here to figuring out who it was that has bought at least one of these ‘Miss me yet?’ Bush billboards, the one up in Wyoming, Minnesota, which is on the east side of I-35 between the Twin Cities and Duluth. ‘Mary Teske, the general manager of Schubert & Hoey Outdoor Advertising reports, ‘The Bush: Miss Me Yet?’ billboard was paid for by a group of small business owners who feel like Washington is against them. They wish to remain anonymous. They thought it was a fun way of getting out their message.’ Now, hundreds of people are claiming credit for this, but at least for this one billboard, the GM of the outdoor advertising agency that sold it says it’s a bunch of small business owners who feel Washington’s against them.

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