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Rush’s Morning Update: Go Green
February 8, 2010

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After wasting a year on their failed healthcare takeover – Democrats are suddenly focused on jobs. Obama says he wants a “jobs bill” on his desk, but won’t say what should be in it. No surprise; the only thing he knows about job creation is giving speeches about so-called “green jobs.”

Which leads us to this. In Portland, Oregon stands the 18-story Edith Green/Wendell Wyatt Federal Building – built in 1975. The Obama Administration is fronting $133 million in stimulus money for renovations. According to a Page 1 story in The New York Times, “vegetated fins” will grow more than 200 feet high on the western faade of the structure. A massive vertical garden. No one knows who will prune this sideways-jungle.”Don’t ask me how you get them irrigated,” says Bob Peck, commissioner of public buildings for the General Services Administration.

Plans call for solar panels, as well as using rainwater – and recycled toilet water – supposedly saving federal taxpayers $280,000 a year in energy costs. But The American Spectator ran the numbers: It will take 475 years for the government to “recoup” its investment. 475 years!

Joe Vaughn, a local commercial real estate broker, views the project this way. “It’s a horrible waste of money no private developer would undertake.”

So. Here are your Obama “green jobs,” folks. Growing vertical gardens on buildings – and recycling toilet water. If it isn’t already apparent to you, we’ve got a bunch of ivy-league world-class wackos running the government now. Pray – we can last until November!

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