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RUSH: This is actually me on this program yesterday. This sets up what’s coming next. I’m talking about process, Dukakis, that kind of thing. You’ll hear it.

RUSH ARCHIVE: [W]e’ve got a guy who’s totally enamored of process. You know who else loved process? Michael Dukakis. I remember him discussing that in the presidential campaign of 1988, the year this program de-buted (‘debuted,’ for those of you in Rio Linda). Dukakis said, ‘I love policy. I love the process. I love the process of making policy.’ Obama does, too…

RUSH: I went on to say that process never gets to a solution, and this is what community organizers do. Leaders get to solutions. Organizers just keep agitating and like the policy. They like the policy and the process. They don’t want the process to ever end. So last night on MSNBC, TIME Magazine’s Mark Halperin and Andrea Mitchell (NBC News) were on with Chris Matthews. Matthews says, ‘I have to start with the obvious question, how does he change the game tonight?

HALPERIN: I have great respect for the president and for David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, Robert Gibbs. I confess I come here telling you I have no idea what they’re doing. Based on the way they’ve set this up, based on the excerpts that have been released, if they have a strategy here to change the game effectively, I cannot discern it.

MITCHELL: I’m suspending my disbelief because from these excerpts this is Barack Obama as Ronald Reagan.

HALPERIN: I see what Andrea means with the Reagan stuff in here. I see as much Michael Dukakis.

MATTHEWS: You are being mean! That’s capital punishment, Mr. Mark! You are — you are — you are vicious.

RUSH: See, they’re talking about the excerpts that were released prior to Obama giving the speech. But it was a policy speech. He likes policy, likes process — and so did Dukakis, and when Halperin points that out, Matthews says, ‘Well, you are vicious,’ ’cause he knows the earth-shattering devastation of that kind of comparison.

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