Wednesday Quotes: Pearls from Vegas Jan 27, 2010You’re Missing Out on Thousands of Rush Quotes! Join Rush 24/7 NOW!”The country has finally...
Rush’s Morning Update: Shouting! January 28, 2010 Jan 27, 2010Rush’s Morning Update: Shouting!January 28, 2010No video today while Rush is broadcasting from Las...
See Rush Judge the Miss America Pageant Saturday, 8PM ET on TLC Jan 27, 2010RUSH: Rush Limbaugh, remember, as long as I’m here, it doesn’t matter where ‘here’ is,...
Inside the Beltway Elitists Blast Conservative Ideologues Jan 27, 2010RUSH: I think what’s going on here is the liberals are ‘hiding the decline’ in all of these...
State-Run Media Advice for Obama Jan 27, 2010RUSH: I have some hilarious pieces. I’ve got my own State of Obama stack in the monologue segment...
My State of the Union Address Jan 27, 2010RUSH: So if Obama really is serious, here are some suggestions for a post-Massachusetts, post-New...
Failure of Liberalism on Display Jan 27, 2010RUSH: Mike in Fairfield, California, great to have you on the program. You’re up first...
Tebow Ad Controversy Tells Us Pro-Choice Means Pro-Abortion Jan 27, 2010RUSH: Now, this Tim Tebow thing. Tim Tebow, you all know the story, Tim Tebow’s mother was advised...
Karna’s Call Continued from Friday Jan 27, 2010RUSH: To Karna in Naples, Florida. I am so happy that you let us call you back. You better start...