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Rush’s Morning Update: The Mission
January 25, 2010

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For generations, liberal politicians– people who couldn’t survive outside the political arena– have preyed upon business whose products, services, innovation, and risk-taking made America the most prosperous nation in history. Like the parasites they are, liberal Democrats have systematically run through the “A list” of industry: Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Telecom, Big Retail, Big Computer, Big Auto, Big Insurance, Big Finance, Big Health– and that’s just a partial list.

While liberals have smacked down, sued, demonized and humbled industry after industry, they insulated themselves from criticism by placing limits on what these businesses could say and spend during political campaigns… but not anymore. The Supreme Court has ruled thatcorporations can spend what they deem appropriate on advocacy ads, for or against politicians. Simply put,the court ruled for freedom. After decades of being muzzled, American businesses now have freedom of speech.

And the Democratsare livid. New York’s “Chuck-U” Schumer has called for congressional hearings. After smearing the decision as victory for Big Oil and Wall Street,Obama vowed to work with Democrats to craft a “forceful response.”

American CEOs, Boards of Directors, business owners: You may never have a moment like this to stand up and fight for your businesses, for the free market, capitalism, and American prosperity. California corporations, take note, bye the way:Senator Boxer is only three points ahead of her nearest Republican challenger, a former CEO.

The mission is simple:Target every liberal for defeat. This is the time. This is the year. No excuses. We want ourvote back.

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