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RUSH: Karna in Naples, Florida. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hello, Rush. It’s delightful to be with you again.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: Last time we talked it was last summer, and actually we talked about Obama creating jobs for White House czars.

RUSH: I remember you. I remember you.

CALLER: (laughing) Well now with his trip to Ohio and the jobs talk it got me to thinking about a rather interesting event. Some time ago I was actually invited to an evening event at the Obama White House, which is totally weird because I worked for President Reagan for six years. But I was invited to this event. So I go to this event and I’m wandering through the various rooms during cocktails, I’m in the East Room and I got to talking to one of the guests there, who I did not know, I didn’t know anybody, and he was a nice gentleman and we got to talking and I said, ‘What’s your connection to this event?’ and he said, ‘Well, you see, Michelle’s social secretary is my client.’ I thought, hmm, how’s that go?

RUSH: Which one? She’s got about 30 people that work for her. This woman has more attendants than Queen Victoria had.

CALLER: What he said was, ‘Well, you see, I do her hair.’ And I said, ‘Oh, okay.’ So the hairdresser was invited to the White House event. So he gets to telling me he has a salon up on the Upper East Side, he’s got 22 stylists working for him, nice guy, you know, so I looked at him and I said, ‘You know, sir, this administration could actually use some people like you.’ And he stared at me like what are you talking about?

RUSH: You know what, Karna? I’m embarrassed. I misread the clock when I took your call. I’ve got a hard break I can’t miss. Can we call you back Wednesday? Because I want to hear this.

CALLER: It’s a good story.

RUSH: I know. I’m hooked. And I want to give people a chance to hear this but I’m not going to be back ’til Wednesday, can I call you then?


RUSH: Don’t go away. Snerdley needs to get your number. I’m sorry. It embarrasses me. But we’ll pick this up on Wednesday from Las Vegas.

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