Thursday Quotes: Pearls of Wisdom, in HD Jan 7, 2010You’re Missing Out on Thousands of Rush Quotes! Join Rush 24/7 NOW!”I kept worrying that...
Acrimony Roils Democrat Party Jan 7, 2010RUSH: Audio sound bite time. This very funny, the greatest press secretary ever, remember that?...
How Washington RINOs See You Jan 7, 2010RUSH: How many of you remember the name Mickey Edwards, Republican-In-Name-Only from Oklahoma,...
Obama Bungles the War on Terror Jan 7, 2010RUSH: ‘US intelligence officials, under pressure to better track terrorist threats, are...
State-Run Media Sill Misses the Point on El Rushbo’s Hospital Stay Jan 7, 2010RUSH: Now, you imagine when we all have to do this for health care, which takes me back to my...
Minority-Mindset Republicans Absent in Fight Against Obamacare Jan 7, 2010RUSH: Something’s go on. I’m not sure what’s going on, but something — well, it’s probably...
Al Sharpton Blasts Gang-Like NBA Jan 7, 2010RUSH: I have an interesting story here in the Washington Post, actually it’s an op-ed column by...
Bam Slammed on Broken Promises Jan 7, 2010RUSH: Brian Lamb, by the way, he was on a radio program yesterday. Brian Lamb just blasts Obama on...
Group Protests at the White House, Asks Obama to Reach Out to Rush Jan 7, 2010RUSH: A group gathered outside the White House yesterday urging people to come together. The name...
The Dittocam Debuts in HD Jan 7, 2010RUSH: Now, before we get into the meat and potatoes of the program we have an update here for...
Rush’s Morning Update: The O.S.U. January 8, 2010 Jan 7, 2010Rush’s Morning Update: The O.S.U. January 8, 2010Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
An Intellectual Analysis of Obama Jan 7, 2010RUSH: Now, let’s go to sound bite 17 and 18. Here is another a little illustration of what might...