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Rush’s Morning Update: No Mas!
January 6, 2010

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If you had any doubt thatDemocrats are reading the 2010 election-year tea leaves with a sense of foreboding… your doubts are now dispelled.

North Dakota Senator Byron “Helmet Head” Dorgan– who hasn’t lost an election in 30 years– announced he would not seek another term. Dorgan claimed that if he’d decided to seek re-election, he was sure he’d win.

So why not run? The answer is simple. He’d lose! Dorgan’s “no mas” announcement left Democrats stunned — as did Democrat Colorado Governor Bill Ritter’sdecision to also not run.

And then came news from Connecticut. Democrat Senator Chris Dodd plans to hang it up, rather than face the wrath of voters.Dodd’s “no mas” is an attempt to give another Democrat a chance to save the once-safe seat from a Republican pickup. The state-controlled Washington Post points out that inside Washington, Dodd’s power is at an all-time high: “Over the past 18 months, he has been the primary author or co-author of legislation rewriting housing mortgage rules; the $700 billion bailout of Wall Street; key portions of the $787 billion stimulus package; a consumer protection bill overseeing the credit card industry; and the nearly $900 billion health-care legislation that has passed the Senate.”

But that’s precisely why Dodd is in heap-big trouble with voters– and why so many Democrats are quitting: They know what’s coming in November… and they know why.

But what’s bad for Democrats is good for America, and vice-versa.And the more Democrats out of power, the better off we all are. Don’t doubt me.

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