Rush’s Morning Update: Confidence December 1, 2009 Nov 30, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: ConfidenceDecember 1, 2009Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
Rush is America’s Most Influential Conservative (And This is News?) Nov 30, 2009RUSH: ‘By a wide margin, Americans consider Rush Limbaugh the nation’s most influential...
What’s the Real Story Behind the Obama State Dinner Crashers? Nov 30, 2009RUSH: Now, this stuff at the White House, these two intruders at the White House, I’m not so sure...
Familiar? Media Drives Florida Authorities to Pursue Tiger Woods Nov 30, 2009RUSH: Everybody’s asking me, ‘What do you think about this Tiger Woods thing?’ Well, my...
Universe of Lies: Big Warmers Try to Whitewash ClimateGate Fraud Nov 30, 2009RUSH: Now, we all know — and we are all learning more and more each day — just what a...
Liberal Rejoinder: Bush Did It Too! Nov 30, 2009RUSH: Let’s grab a couple phone calls here and say we did it in the first hour. We’ll start...
It’s Not a Consensus, It’s a Cabal Nov 30, 2009RUSH: The Global Warming Additional Stack headline. From yesterday, November 29th, from the UK...
Gibbs Stonewalls on Climate Hoax; Two Geologists Call in to Respond Nov 30, 2009RUSH: Grab audio sound bite number 20 very quickly. There was a White House press briefing today....
Clinton: Warming Causes Cooling Nov 30, 2009RUSH: Audio sound bite number eight, this is undated: Bill Clinton in Canada.CLINTON: Global...