Rush’s Morning Update: Legacy November

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 24,2009

Rush’s Morning Update: Legacy
November25, 2009

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Well, whoopee. A joint study issued by the UN Development Program and the World Health Organization reports that almost half of the world’s population has no modern sources of energy.

Broken down by the numbers, two billion people have no access to natural gas or propane (including Obama’s brother),and over a billion live without any electricity (including Obama’s brother). Summarizing the findings, a UN spokesman said: “Half of humanity is completely disconnected” from the green energy debate,and their needs have to be central to the climate agreement being worked on in Copenhagen.

Now,this is 180 degrees out of phase. We know what works,and what doesn’t work.Free markets work. Capitalism works. The profit motiveworks. Freedom works. Why, in less than 300 years, America rose from that principleto become the most powerful nation on earth. Individual freedom, capitalism, free markets, and the ability to profit from one’s own efforts unleashed a wave of prosperity unmatched in human history.

But liberals in the UN– and sadly, now in our government– seek to impose wealth-redistribution schemes,rather than wealth-creation policies. They want to constrain affordable energy sources,rather than develop them. They heap blame and scorn on us,rather than take the American freedom model and emulate it.

What this report showsis the utter failure of liberalism, worldwide. And half the world’s population living in poverty is their legacy — including Obama’s brother!

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