Rush’s Morning Update: Fade-Out November 20, 2009 Nov 19, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: Fade-OutNovember 20, 2009Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
More Obama Fail: Another Week, Another Half a Million Out of Work Nov 19, 2009RUSH: ‘The number of newly laid-off American workers seeking unemployment benefits,...
Algore Photoshops Fake Earth Nov 19, 2009RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I have something, we’re going to post this at
More Evidence from Obama and Holder That KSM’s Trial is Political Nov 19, 2009RUSH: I want you to listen. Let me check the sound bite. Do I have time to squeeze this in? We do....
Katie Calls to Take Issue with the Fact of the Happily Unemployed Nov 19, 2009RUSH: This is Katie from parts unknown in the Northeast. Hello. CALLER: Hi, Rush. How are you?...
What if Palin’s Daughter was DUI? Nov 19, 2009RUSH: I normally would not even mention this. Senator John Kerry (who served in Vietnam)’s...
Under These Health Care Bills, We are Reduced to Budget Items Nov 19, 2009RUSH: All right, folks, you want to hear something funny? This is from The Hill, the Capitol Hill...