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RUSH: I love the ChiComs. I have to tell you, I love the ChiComs. They took Obama on a tour of the Forbidden City, and they kicked everybody else out. Obama did not get to go preen. He did not get to pretend he was in Berlin making a speech to 200,000 — nobody saw him. They do not allow political showboats over there. (laughing) I mean in a number of ways I actually do have a kind of respect for the ChiComs. So we are to believe that Eric Holder consulted no other human being that has any position of responsibility in the government about creating the trial of the millennium in New York City other than his wife and his brother. Right. Yeah.


RUSH: President Obama in China visiting the ChiComs. Our microphones were there.

(playing of Obama-in-China spoof)

RUSH: President Obama visiting the ChiComs on his Asian trip. Speaking of which, yesterday in Shanghai, President Obama held a town hall meeting with Chinese university students. This is what our president said about our country.

OBAMA: It’s very important for the United States not to assume that what is good for us is automatically good for somebody else. We have to have some modesty about our attitudes towards other countries. We think it’s important nevertheless to be true to our ideals and our values. And we… When we do so, though, we will always do so with the humility and understanding that we are not perfect and that we still have much progress to make. Uh, if you talk to women in America, they will tell you that there are still men who have a lot of old-fashioned ideas about the role of women in society.

RUSH: Yah! Okay. President Barack Obama once again essentially saying, ‘Look, there’s nothing special about our country. I’m sure that we’ve had presidents before me that have tried to impose such wonderful things as freedom, economic prosperity, capitalism, and golden education opportunities. We’re sorry that we ever had anybody that tried to, quote, unquote, ‘impose’ that on you. But we’re through doing that! We’re not going to impose our ugly system, based on free markets and capitalism and liberty, on you. We’re not going to impose that on you anymore. In fact, we’re going to be humble! We’re going to realize here that we are actually not nearly as good as you are, that we’re certainly no better than you are. We apologize here for all of the ways that we have offended you in the past.

‘But those days are over now because I’m president and I’m not going to offend you. I mean, we haven’t gotten much right in our own country anyway. We’re not perfect! We still got a lot of progress to make. If you talk to women in America, they’ll tell you there are still men who have a lot of old-fashioned ideas about the role of women in society.’ Can I tell you how dead wrong he is about that? What’s happening in this country, Mr. President, is that the men of this country are becoming chickified. The Huffing and Puffington Post has a new section on that website where they explore why women are unhappy.

It is a daily thing, daily posts trying to explain why women are unhappy. And they have posted this: ‘Why Men Are Becoming More Like Women — Men’s attitudes more and more resemble women’s attitudes. In 1977, for example, 72 percent of men believed that men should be the primary breadwinners and women should be the primary caretakers of home and family. Today, only 42 percent of men hold those opinions, which happens to be almost exactly the same as the percentage of women who feel that way (38 percent). Men’s behaviors are becoming more and more like women’s. … ‘To know a culture, look to its heroes,’ goes the saying, and here, too, we see change and new models of leadership. Gone are the macho monarchs — Jack ‘Neutron’ Welch, George ‘The Decider’ Bush, Michael ‘Micro-manager’ Eisner, and Carly ‘The Fighter’ Fiorina (not all male models are masculine). In their place we now honor a new style of leader, no less visionary, but more pragmatic, more conciliatory, building consensus as they quietly get things done–in the Oval Office, Barak Obama; at Hewlett Packard, Mark Hurd; at Disney HQ, Bob Eiger,’ all of these guys that have become more and more like women are now said to be the real men of America. It is simply the chickification, the feminization of our society. That’s what’s happening, Mr. President.


RUSH: I want to know what decade Barack Obama is living in. Women in this country have more rights than women and most men anywhere else in the world because they are Americans. I want to know what… Every time he talks about human rights… He’s over there pushing human rights to the ChiComs, and every time he talks about human rights, he gets on this notion that women are still downtrodden, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. And it ain’t the case. As no less than the very liberal Huffing and Puffington Post documents. What’s happening in our culture is that men are being neutered. Men are thinking like women today. Snerdley, he didn’t hear this because you were screening calls, or did you hear it? Okay, you heard it? Well, let me tell you something.

‘Why Men are Becoming More Like Women — In its recent special on the State of Women, Time magazine announced that the gender wars were over and declared a tie. ‘It’s no longer a man’s world,’ Time concluded. ‘Nor is it a woman’s nation. It’s a cooperative, with bylaws under constant negotiation, and expectations that profits be equally shared.’ I’m not so sure,’ writes Marcus Buckingham, leading expert in personal strengths and best-selling authority, posting at the Huffing and Puffington Post. In a war, no matter the outcome of a certain skirmish or battle, the winner is the party whose attitudes, behaviors and preoccupations come to dominate the postwar landscape. By this measure, the outcome of the gender wars, if wars they were, is clear: women won.

‘Men’s attitudes more and more resemble women’s attitudes. In 1977, for example, 72 percent of men believed that men should be the primary breadwinners and women should be the primary caretakers of home and family. Today, only 42 percent of men’ think that. Could we correlate that with the unemployment numbers? Do you think there might be a little bit of a connection between sitting at home receiving unemployment checks and thinking it’s not your job to be the primary breadwinner? You think it might be a factor, folks? Thirty-eight percent of women feel the same way, that men should be the primary breadwinners and forty-two percent of men. So it’s almost a tie.

‘Men’s behaviors,’ writes Marcus Buckingham, ‘are becoming more and more like women’s. In 1977…’ Here’s the old benchmark and this has always irritated me. ‘In 1977, men spent, on average, only six hours a week doing housework, as compared to 21 hours for women. Today, when it comes to the ‘second shift,’ men look a lot like women — men now spend 13 hours a week on housework, while women spend 17,’ and this is called progress. Well, there’s an important factor to throw in here, yes? These guys might be single. Either that or they’re living with their parents and their parents are making them clean their own room. ‘The war is over. Women won. And, as ever, to the victor go the spoils. And what are the spoils of this particular war?

‘The spoils are choice. Women have more choice than ever before in their work, home, and lifestyles. And, yes, men are becoming more like women, and so men are starting to face the same multitude of choices that women tackle.’ None of this… If women have more choices than ever before in work, home, and lifestyle, why, then, does the Huffington Post have a site documenting and chronicling how unhappy they are? Maybe it’s because of all the choices, and maybe so many choices leads to dissatisfaction with the choice you make. Anyway it just irritates me when Obama starts talking about all the discrimination women face in this country. It’s the exactly opposite way around now. I mean, even in the case of childbirth! A guy has no say-so on whether the child is born, the husband has zip, zero, nada say so, yet we’re led to believe here that… Not legally, I mean. According to the law of the land it’s not anything to do with him. Yet, women somehow in Obama’s view are discriminated against. This must be the fact ebbs Oprah very well and obviously Michelle (My Belle) is having quite a bit of influence on him here.

RUSH: Mark ‘Maxi’ Shields. You gotta hear this. Sunday morning, Washington. Local Channel 7, Inside Washington. Mark ‘Maxi’ Shields said this about president… Did you get that, Dawn? Maxi? Okay, here’s Mark Shields, ‘Maxi’ Shields, on local Washington TV on Sunday.

SHIELDS: We have a president of real intellectual horsepower who’s cool, detached, and analytical; and if any of you can watch the emotional side of him emerge in this —

RUSH: No, you can’t. There isn’t any —

SHIELDS: — whole process. There’s an emotional aspect, with the comforter-in-chief as well as the commander-in-chief, both roles. And I think it makes me nostalgic for those days when we had a manly man in the White House who could say, ‘Let’s kick some tail and ask questions afterwards.’ You know? That’s what we really need, instead of any reflection

RUSH: Now, somebody help me out here. Is he being serious or is he joking? (interruption) He’s joking? He’s joking? If he’s joking he got it right. There is no emotion, though, from Obama. He’s not ‘cool and calm.’ He’s cold. He doesn’t display any emotional connection to these people who have no jobs. At all! He displayed no emotional connection when he went down there to Fort Hood to speak before the people down there after the terrorist attack by the lone wolf down there, Hasan. Oh, have you heard the latest about this guy? (snorts) He sought war crimes prosecutions of US soldiers. ‘Major Nidal Malik Hasan’s military superiors repeatedly ignored or rebuffed his efforts to open criminal prosecutions of soldiers he claimed had confessed to ‘war crimes’ during psychiatric counseling, according to investigative reports circulated among federal law enforcement officials…’

This story just keeps getting worse and worse and worse, and Obama will not provide witnesses for the Fort Hood hearing. Obama does not want Congress to conduct any kind of investigation. He wants to let the military examination of this go through. He doesn’t want a political show trial, he says. Yet we’re going to bring the masterminds of 9/11 to New York for just that purpose: A show trial. The man’s glaring inconsistencies are there for one and all to see. So now the latest… So now we know that this guy was trying to get US soldiers prosecuted for war crimes. Now the Drive-Bys’ latest spin is he might have self-radicalized himself. ‘He might have self-radicalized,’ meaning he just all of a sudden woke up one day and said, ‘You know what? I’m a radical Islamist!’ No, imam had anything to do with it. No mosque had anything to do with it. No, this guy just snapped! He decided. He woke up one day, looked in the mirror, and said, ‘I’m a radical!’ That’s the spin from the Drive-Bys today. So Mark ‘Maxi’ Shields is joking about wanting a manly guy in the White House: ‘Let’s kick some tail and ask questions afterwards.’


RUSH: You know, President Obama and, ‘Oh, it’s so, so bad in my country, the way some men view women.’ You know, Obama could have chosen a woman as his vice president, or he could have chosen Hillary. But he didn’t. He chose a nitwit! He could have chosen a woman but he didn’t. He chose a nitwit! And Obama himself has a program for equality among the sexes: Put everybody out of work and both sexes are going to end up dirt poor. That’s how he’s going to equalize things.

And for those of you women out there who have a lot of hope invested in Obamacare: ‘A US government group recommends that women delay getting regular mammograms until age 50, instead of 40, the age at which the American Cancer Society (ACS) has long advised women to begin screening for breast cancer. The government group issued its new guidelines Monday, citing evidence that the benefits of regular screening do not justify the potential harms in younger women. … ‘I am appalled and horrified,’ says Dr. David Dershaw, director of breast imaging at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City in response to the new guidelines. ‘There is no doubt that mammography screening in women in their 40s saves lives. To recommend that women abandon that is absolutely horrifying to me.” Hello, Obamacare. Here you have a government panel upping the age of mammograms to 50. This is the beginning of rationed care, Obamacare, and he’s out there, ladies and gentlemen, talking about the poor discrimination that women face, brutes of men they have to deal with in the United States.


RUSH: All right, folks, we’re going to go to the phones, I would normally go to the phones at this time anyway. Still lots of good, juicy stuff in the stacks, but people have been on hold for a full hour-and-a-half here, and I want to get to them. First in Naperville, Illinois, Mike I’m glad you called, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, Rush, great interview. Sarah Palin rocks.

RUSH: Well, thank you. I appreciate that.

CALLER: Yeah. My comment was going back to the way President Obama was apologizing for the way women are treated in our country. He’s speaking to the Chinese who up until recently were aborting and even killing many of their baby girls because boys had more value.

RUSH: Hang on a minute.

CALLER: That’s crazy.

RUSH: Let’s go back. You hang here with me, Mike.


RUSH: Grab audio sound bite number two because we played this an hour ago, and I want people to know what it is that you are reacting to. This is Obama in Shanghai. He held a town hall meeting. This whole sound bite is just fingernails on a chalkboard to me.

OBAMA: It’s very important for the United States not to assume that what is good for us is automatically good for somebody else. We have to have some modesty about our attitudes towards other countries. We think it’s important nevertheless to be true to our ideals and our values. When we do so, though, we will always do so with the humility and understanding that we are not perfect and that we still have much progress to make. If you talk to women in America, they will tell you that there are still men who have a lot of old-fashioned ideas about the role of women in society.

RUSH: There again. So that’s what Mike in Naperville is reacting to. If you talk to women in America they’ll tell you that there are still men who have a lot of old-fashioned ideas about the role of women. And yet in China they abort women, they got a one child policy and families want boys. You still there, Mike?

CALLER: Yes, it’s just crazy, just crazy.

RUSH: It is. The rest of this sound bite, though, here he is once again apologizing for the country and saying, you know what, what we were is not good enough to impose on you. Our freedom, our liberty, our economic prosperity, we wouldn’t dare want you to think that that would be good for you. And we’re going to be humble enough to realize that it’s not good for us enough anymore. I’m going to change it; we’re going to become more like you. This guy is just a national embarrassment. Every which way you look.

CALLER: Everything he says to them, he talks about censoring their Internet and they censor his remarks to the Chinese people. It’s just a waste of time. He’s gotta quit apologizing for the US.

RUSH: Appreciate that, Mike. Thanks much.

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