Coming in 2010: Amnesty Push

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 13,2009

RUSH: Get this headline: ‘White House to Begin Push on Immigration Overhaul in 2010.’ Now, this is a story from the New York Times from November the 14th, 2009, which must mean this is going to run in tomorrow’s paper. I as a powerful, influential member of the media have an advanced copy. ‘The Obama administration will insist on measures to give legal status to an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants as it pushes early next year for legislation to overhaul the immigration system, according to Janet Napolitano,’ who is going to say this today or has said it today. ‘In an address at the Center for American Progress, a liberal policy…’ liberal policy? This is John Podesta’s radical leftist, corrupt place!

‘…Ms. Napolitano sought to dispel any notions that the administration with health care, energy, and other issues crowding the agenda might postpone the most contentious piece of an immigration overhaul until after midterm elections next November. Laying out the administration’s bottom line she said they will argue for a three-legged stool that includes enacting tougher enforcement laws against illegals and the people who hire them and streamlining the system for legal immigration also what she called ‘a tough and fair pathway to earned legal status.” Can we say the word ‘amnesty’? This is exactly what this is going to be: Obama to give amnesty to 12 million illegals by 2010, according to the New York Times.