
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Steve King, Republican from Iowa, continues to tell it like it is. And, frankly, we need more Republicans like this guy. The Washington News Observer interviewed Steve King and a reporter said, ‘What is your opinion of Valerie Jarrett, who is the female consigliere for Obama?’

KING: Valerie Jarrett is a product of Chicago politics, the Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama, son and daughter of Saul Alinsky, linked up with Mayor Daley, the Chicago machine, we know what it is. Someone called it gangster government. In Chicago you have gangster government. Valerie Jarrett’s been in the middle of that and the links she has with William Ayers and other nefarious characters in Chicago tell us what we’ve got in the White House itself. I mean she’s there, there are a number of links directly to Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, Valerie Jarrett, and they go back to Chicago.

RUSH: And don’t forget it was Bill Clinton who used this term — ‘thug politics’ — when talking about Obama. It was during the 2008 presidential primaries. Montel Williams, you know, there’s a lot of lunacy on the left. Chris Matthews is actually losing it I think, and I don’t say this to get a laugh. I think, folks, we are driving ’em nuts. They are more afraid of or consider us their biggest enemy, no foreign enemy comes even as close to frightening them and worrying them as conservatives do in this country.

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