RUSH: I got to thinking, you know, I used to every day, preparing this program, I had a stack of just pure silly stuff, lighthearted silly human interest stuff, and there’s some of that but I don’t ever seem to get to it because all this stuff is so damned intense.I’ll give you an example. Saturday night I flew to Chicago. Seventeen years ago Neal Boortz, a nationally syndicated radio host and former sports agent — when I met him he was sports agent to Evander Holyfield, and Holyfield had just won first championship bout, and at that point Holyfield told Boortz, ‘Look, champ don’t pay for anything.’
So Boortz was being told he was going to have to work for nothing if he wanted to continue to work as a lawyer for Holyfield, so he said, ‘Screw it, I’m going to go full time into talk radio.’ And he asked me 17 years ago, maybe 16 years ago, he said, ‘Look, if I ever am inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame, will you present me?’ And I said, ‘Sure, I would be happy to.’ Never thinking it would happen. Ahem. Ahem. So Saturday night Neal Boortz was inducted into the national Radio Hall of Fame in Chicago, and I went there to present him. I wore a Loudmouth jacket. I didn’t wear my Loudmouth shorts, but I wore a Loudmouth jacket, black slacks, and a black mock turtleneck because it was a black-tie affair.
It was an epidemic back then. Somehow it made news. There was all kinds of traffic accidents that were happening, there was a spate of them. And I said, ‘Folks, I’ve got a solution. It’s not seat belts, it’s not this, it’s not sober up. The best thing we can do if we want to make highways safer and roads safer is to simply ask women to stop farding in their cars.’ And I explained just that one simple step would clean up a whole lot of traffic messes. I went on to other things in the monologue and finally went to the phones and, ‘What do you mean, what do you mean women? Well, what about men?’ ‘I have never seen a man fard in his car.’ ‘Well, have you seen women?’ ‘All the time.’ Well, how do you know that that’s happening?’ ‘Because you can see it.’ This went on for 30 minutes. WLS, Tom Tradup was the general manager, WLS canceled me for 45 minutes until the bit was explained in full. The word was fard, f-a-r-d, and it’s French, and it means to apply makeup to the face. But if you say it real fast — I guarantee you, you could play the tape back, I did not say the word you think I said. It’s just you never heard the word fard.
She stood up and in her supposed induction speech gave a little lecture on why I should not be admitted into the Hall of Fame, and Paul Harvey was seated at the next table, and he could not believe what he was hearing. Nobody in the room could. My brother threw his napkin down on the floor. So I went up there in my acceptance speech, I ignored what she had said — and she had this big grin on her face. Short little twerp, but she had this big grin on her face and I just thanked the American people, I thanked my radio affiliates for making the dream come true and so forth.
I had to leave to go backstage to get pictures taken, which is a tradition, and Brett and Flynn came back and appeared in the picture with us with Neal. So it was fun. Then we got on the airplane to head right back because we had stuff to do the next day.