Rush Media Predictions Come True

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 4,2009

RUSH: Just a couple sound bites. Here is me making a prediction about Virginia yesterday.

RUSH ARCHIVE: Whatever the vote totals in Virginia, the State-Controlled Media will report that the turnout was not as big as expected, that the vote for the Republicans and against the Democrats was not as big as expected. And besides, everybody knew that the Republicans would win. It’s no surprise. The White House even knew it. Why, the White House threw this guy, Creigh Deeds, under the bus a couple weeks ago, the White House knew he ran a lousy campaign.

RUSH: CNN, Jeffrey Toobin.

TOOBIN: The question is are Virginia voters, were they more excited by Barack Obama or Craig (sic) Deeds? That’s a pretty easy question and a pretty easy answer. He was a lousy candidate, he didn’t have a message, he distanced himself from the Democratic Party, and he lost big. I don’t draw a lot of conclusions from that.

RUSH: You know these people ought to just listen to me and say something different from what I predict just to not make me right, because they hate it when I’m right. Okay, here’s Tavis Smiley. He was on Larry King Alive last night.

SMILEY: Virginia is very close to DC but in terms of voting patterns Virginia could not be any different than DC. What Barack Obama did in Virginia last year was out of the ordinary, terribly extraordinary, and we celebrated that last year, but tonight just says that we’ve returned to business as usual. I don’t think anybody in the country expected that this race was going to be any different, that is for governor, in the state of Virginia.

RUSH: Do I know these people or do I know these people? Everybody knew he was gonna lose, it was not unexpected, blah, blah, blah, blah. Lousy candidate. Now, Rush prediction comes true in New Jersey. First, what I said yesterday.

RUSH ARCHIVE: The damage control spin will be that the president was heroic in his efforts to save a hopeless candidate. Corzine was surrounded by corruption. He destroyed New Jersey’s economy. He was enormously unpopular. But the president decided to make a courageous stand and to try to save him. And despite Corzine losing, look how close the election became. But for Obama and his team, New Jersey would have been a wipeout, not a nail-biter. So New Jersey’s actually an Obama win, even should Corzine lose.

RUSH: Here is Howard Fineman on MSNBC’s election coverage.

FINEMAN: The White House thought accurately that Corzine was a very weak candidate, no people skills, didn’t follow through on tax cuts, has the Goldman Sachs tie, the Wall Street tie, all of what Chris Matthews was just talking about. They did however suck it up and stick with him, they did what they could. It wasn’t enough. They were trying to nudge Corzine out. They knew he was a weak candidate.

RUSH: Can we play these two again? Folks, there are those days and moments where even I think I’m great. I know you do every day. I don’t have time to think about myself that way very often. But today is one of those days where I join you and agree with you. This has been a kick-butt show. Place four and five back-to-back. This is uncanny.

RUSH ARCHIVE: The damage control spin will be that the president was heroic in his efforts to save a hopeless candidate. Corzine was surrounded by corruption. He destroyed New Jersey’s economy. He was enormously unpopular. But the president decided to make a courageous stand and to try to save him. And despite Corzine losing, look how close the election became. But for Obama and his team, New Jersey would have been a wipeout, not a nail-biter. So New Jersey’s actually an Obama win, even should Corzine lose.

FINEMAN: The White House thought accurately that Corzine was a very weak candidate, no people skills, didn’t follow through on tax cuts, has the Goldman Sachs tie, the Wall Street tie, all of what Chris Matthews was just talking about. They did however suck it up and stick with him, they did what they could. It wasn’t enough. They were trying to nudge Corzine out. They knew he was a weak candidate.

RUSH: You know, these guys, Howard, Tavis Smiley, I thought Virginia was realignment. After this big sweep a year ago, they were all talking about how Virginia was a realignment. And, by the way, lest we forget, the Washington Post lost the election yesterday, too. They backed every loser for statewide office. They backed many of the losers for delegates in the state. Because here’s the media, and you’ll hear it in a minute, ‘Limbaugh, Palin, rebuffed, Limbaugh-Palin responsible for loss of Doug Hoffman, New York-23, Limbaugh-Palin, Limbaugh-Palin.’ How about the Washington Post? The Washington Post tried to destroy McDonnell the way they destroyed George Allen. You still can’t find the word Macaca in the dictionary anywhere. You can’t ignore that the Washington Post did everything they could for Creigh Deeds. By the way, Toobin pronounced him Craig Deeds, it’s Creigh Deeds.


RUSH: We’re going to go to my prediction coming true about media spin in New Jersey. We’ll follow it back-to-back by Joe Trippi on the Fox News Channel last night and Bob Beckel on the Fox News Channel last night. Here goes.

RUSH ARCHIVE: The damage control spin will be that the president was heroic in his efforts to save a hopeless candidate. ‘Corzine was surrounded by corruption. He destroyed New Jersey’s economy. He was enormously unpopular. But the president decided to make a courageous stand and to try to save him. And despite Corzine losing, look how close the election became. But for Obama and his team, New Jersey would have been a wipeout, not a nail-biter.’ So New Jersey is actually an Obama win, even should Corzine lose.

TRIPPI: I don’t think so. I think Corzine with the — the approval ratings he had, that most consultants or pundits would say those numbers were terminal. If Christie had been a stronger candidate he should have really — really done some damage here. He’s barely going to win this thing. Maybe a hundred thousand votes, maybe. He’s held that margin throughout the night and we’ll see how that holds up. But I really think this is throwing out the ins with the outs.

BECKEL: Are you kidding me? The Second Coming wouldn’t have saved Corzeen (sic). It’s the reason I predicted Christie was going to win yesterday. Yes. Could say it’s a good night for the Republicans? Yes. But it’s not going to change things. Obama is 51% favorable. Obama doesn’t have much to worry about.

RUSH: The Second Coming! That means Jesus Christ. Not even Jesus Christ could have saved Corzine. (interruption) Yeah, he said ‘Corzeen,’ right. I mean, they’re really dissing the guy now. They’re throwing him out. But not even Jesus Christ could save Corzine! Beckel, do you know how nuts you are? How in the world do you compare one visit from Jesus Christ with five visits from Obama? He had five visits from The Messiah, from The One. And you’re bringing Jesus Christ into this? Jesus Christ doesn’t stand a chance! With one visit Obama had five in there, Beckel. Folks, I’m having more fun today than I’ve had with this stuff in a long time.


RUSH: One more prediction. And actually I got a Limbaugh echo here from F. Chuck Todd. This is a point yesterday. I hammered it home.

RUSH ARCHIVE: Folks, look at me. Look at me. I want to issue you a profundity here. If any Republican wins today it has to show that it is attracting independents, right? Because the White House, David Plouffe and all these people are saying that GOP party affiliation is at all-time low. If party affiliation is at an all-time low and Republicans win today, why, it has to be independents, by their own definition. I’m going to hang that around their necks tomorrow, and I can’t wait.

RUSH: Last night on Hard-Boiled, Chris Matthews was talking to White House correspondent F. Chuck Todd. And Matthews said, ‘This guy Corzine, big-money guy from Wall Street, I mean, let’s face it, he can’t walk away. Who would want to walk away from that? But he’s got it on his back.’

TODD: The other thing out of this, and I just don’t want us to lose this fact. The independent — the Republicans, win or lose in New Jersey tonight, will carry independents in Virginia, will carry independents in New Jersey, and are going to win independents in that New York-23 race. That is not insignificant, and that should be a warning — sort of like a yellow light, not a red light to the White House, but a yellow light.

RUSH: It’s a red light, F. Chuck. So it’s a warning. Limbaugh Echo Syndrome. And let’s go to the LA Times headline: ‘Republican Victories Send Message to Democrats.’ In the first paragraph: ‘giving the GOP a lift and offering warning signs to Democrats ahead of the 2010 midterm elections.’ And then we go to the Washington Post, which endorsed Creigh Deeds. I guess the Washington Post really doesn’t have all that much influence, does it? Headline: ‘Contests Serve as Warning to Democrats: It’s Not 2008 Anymore.’ Warning, warning, independents have abandoned ship. Republicans can win independents with the right message. The media spins what the message is in the next story: ‘Now, the Hard Part: Continuing to Straddle the Center and the Right,’ as McDonnell’s lead widened he poured on conservatism, however. ‘In the final days of the campaign, as his lead widened in polls, McDonnell more often declared conservative intentions. He spoke daily of limited government, low taxes and free enterprise. He said he would ‘stand up strong’ against same-sex marriage and to ‘protect the unborn.” Conservatism is ascending. It was a large factor in both these guys being elected in Virginia and in New Jersey. Do not let anybody else tell you otherwise.