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RUSH: Audio sound bites. Andrew Breitbart at his website, BigGovernment.com or BigGovernment.org, whatever, 11 more kid videos singing songs to Obama. Eleven more! It is apparently obvious now that this is not just a random thing that’s happening. This is not random. There’s a coordinated plan to this. We have three sound bites. Here’s one from February 7th, one from July 16th, and one from March 29th. The first one… It’s Big Hollywood is the website. It’s BigHollywood.Breitbart.com. Gotham Avenue School, fifth graders.

SCHOOLKIDS: We believe in Barack Obama! He loves you and he loves your mama! We believe in Barack Obama, yeah! With all the change he’s building! Gonna bring hope to the children! We believe in Barack Obama, yeah! Change! That we can believe in. Change! That we can believe in. Change! That we can believe in.

RUSH: ‘We believe in Barack Obama! He loves you and he loves your mama!’ That’s the Gotham Avenue School, February 7, 2009. This was again Breitbart’s BigHollywood.Breitbart.com. There’s the James W. Hennigan Elementary School, a portion of a group of grade school kids singing a song praising Obama as ‘fresh,’ as ‘cool,’ and an added bonus, in this song the kids trash Bush and McCain.

SCHOOLKIDS: Obama is fresh. Obama is cool. He has two daughters that like to go to school. It’s hot outside, they jump in the pool. (garbled) to follow the rules. Obama is President and has a new residence. There’s people all around who questions all the evidence. Michelle wants her daughters to think their own things. She doesn’t want their colors to do it instead. The 44th President of the USA because he beat Senator John McCain. Obama in charge of the Oval Office. He told Bush and his cabinet to get off this. A – a-a-a-aay. Obama is President of the USA-aaaay. Tomorrow’s a new day – ay – ay- ay- ay. And we’re living our life!

RUSH: That’s the James W. Hennigan Elementary School, July 16th. There are 11 of these? I’m having a mental block now on how many there are. I think it’s 11. And at Big Hollywood, the website, the transcripts of all these songs are there as well as videos of this. It’s obvious this is not random anymore. It never was random. Here is the Giffen Elementary School March 29th.

SCHOOLKIDS: We’re here to tell you about the man. His name is Barack Obama he’s the leader of this land. He was born in Hawaii then he lived in Illinois. His father moved to Africa when he was a little boy. He got into some trouble when he was 17 and he got himself clean now he’s on TV! He likes civil rights and better health care. He wants to make sure that we all will have care. He wants to reform the current (garbled) system. He’s very educated and he’s got a lot of rhythm. First black President with a heart that’s only true. He wants to make the world better for me and you. At Chicago University he used to be a teacher… (garbled) At the Democratic National Convention, the name Barack Obama became (garbled). Say, ‘Yes We Can!’ Say, ‘Yes We Can!’ Say, ‘Yes We Can!’ Say, ‘Yes We Can!’ Say, ‘Yes We Can!’ Say, ‘Yes We Can!’ Say, ‘Yes We Can!’ Say, ‘Yes We Can!’ Say, ‘Yes We Can!’ Say, ‘Yes We Can!’ Say, ‘Yes We Can!’ Say, ‘Yes We Can!’ Say, ‘Yes We Can!’ Say, ‘Yes We Can!’ Say, ‘Yes We Can!’ Yes We Can!

RUSH: I wonder if they’ve learned yet that 2 + 2 = 4.

Gallup poll is out, tracking poll. It’s on the edge. Fifty to 43, job approval to disapproval. Fifty. And I bet they had to work real hard to get it to stay at 50. He’s below 50 in the Rasmussen poll.

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