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Rush’s Morning Update: Worried?
November 4, 2009

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On election eve,State-Controlled AP had this headline: “GOP Victory Tuesday Won’t Erase Party’s Problems.” You see, in the world of politics, this “take” marks a departure. Until now, victory has been perceived as a positive development. But in the current environment, reality and truth are so distortedthat we are supposed to believe winning elections creates problems for the winners –not the defeated. Only in Obama’s America:Democrats lose elections,and Republicans are the onesthat are supposed tobe worried.

The truth is, the Republican Party is emerging from the political wilderness. One year ago, the Democrats were celebrating what they thought was the GOP’s extinction. Democrats won control of the presidency, the House, and the Senatewith near filibuster-proof margins. They had complete and absolute control.

The upcoming task for Republicans is really quite simple. Unlike Democrats, they don’t have to appeal to dozens of small domestic coalition groups,whose interests are often opposed to each other. They don’t have to bend over, grab the ankles, and apologize for America to every international thug with an anti-American axe to grind.

All the Republicans have to do is speak up for Americans, without regard to gender, race, sexual orientation, or status;Americans who want to see their country prosper, and their freedoms defendedfrom external and internal threats.

So… One year later, we’ve seen the results of liberal “hope and change.” And despite what the State-Controlled Media says,it is Democrats– and it is Obama– who ought tobe worried. And trust me: they are.

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