Rush’s Morning Update: Three Amigos September 23, 2009 Sep 22, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: Three AmigosSeptember 23, 2009**Note: No video while Rush is in LA.Listen...
You Lie! Obama Makes Ludicrous Claim on Carbon Emissions at UN Sep 22, 2009RUSH: Barack Obama is voting present on Afghanistan. He’s not a senator from Illinois anymore....
Obama Votes Present as Heroes Fight and Die at War in Afghanistan Sep 22, 2009RUSH: Let’s play audio sound bite number 16. CNN’s Anderson Cooper 180, with hardly any audience,...
Broadcast Excellence From a Cheap Particle Board Desk in LA Sep 22, 2009RUSH: Ann Arbor, Michigan. Mike, hello, sir. Welcome to the EIB Network.CALLER: Hello, Rush. How...
Austan Goolsbee and His Boss Have Rush Limbaugh on the Brain Sep 22, 2009RUSH: You know, there’s a big argument raging in Washington now over what is or what isn’t a tax....
Wolf Blitzer Catches David Axelrod in Lie on Health Care Competition Sep 22, 2009RUSH: The Club for Growth has highlighted an interview of David Axelrod by Wolf Blitzer in which...
Sound Bites That’ll Make You Puke Sep 22, 2009RUSH: Here’s Obama last night, by the way. He was on Letterman. And now there’s a story he’s out...
El Rushbo Decides Not to Turn the Other Cheek to Barney Frank Sep 22, 2009RUSH: Now, Barney Frank was on the Jay Leno Show last night. I am going to be on the Jay Leno Show...