Rush’s Morning Update: Act II September 21, 2009 Sep 18, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: Act IISeptember 21, 2009Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
An Official Obama Criticizer Fan Sep 18, 2009RUSH: Karen in Wauconda, Illinois. Nice to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hi, it’s so...
Michelle O Pitches Obamacare Sep 18, 2009RUSH: Headline, CBS News: ‘Michelle Obama: Health Care is a Women’s Issue — First Lady...
Dem Pollster Asked Not to Poll Sep 18, 2009RUSH: Here is our blowtorch affiliate in Raleigh, North Carolina, yesterday, WPTF radio, the Bill...
Obama Abandons African Village Sep 18, 2009RUSH: Now, get this. This is on CNN, the chickification of the news. Ashley Fantz: ‘Obama as...
Daily Tweak: Curry & Ahmadinejad Sep 18, 2009RUSH: This is Ann Curry talking to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in an official exclusive interview.CURRY:...
Liberals Twist Sarcastic Rush Riff Into a Call for Segregated Buses! Sep 18, 2009RUSH: During the break Mr. Snerdley showed me a website that a friend of his had alerted him to....
Don’t Fall for Pelosi’s Phony Tears Sep 18, 2009RUSH: Tom in Albany, great to have you on the program, sir. Hello.CALLER: Hi, Rush.RUSH:...
Please Keep Talking, Mr. President Sep 18, 2009RUSH: I’m waiting for audio of this, but we talk about Public Policy Polling here a lot. It’s an...
NBC Sewer, Lacking Filter, Erroneously Reports Rush Speech Sep 18, 2009RUSH: Cookie said, ‘Are you doing a speech Sunday in Washington?’ and I said, ‘No. I’m...
ACORN Hilariously Cries Racism Sep 18, 2009RUSH: Get this. This is hilarious. This is Bertha Lewis. She’s the CEO of ACORN, but she’s just a...
Elitist White House Snobs Tell Us to Sneeze on Our Sleeves Sep 18, 2009RUSH: We’re getting sneezing lessons at the White House from the Health and Human Services...
A Short Discussion on Manure Sep 18, 2009RUSH: Joanna in Las Vegas. Do you have a job? Are you still working? The unemployment rate out...