Tuesday Quotes: The Mobfather Sep 15, 2009You’re Missing Out on Thousands of Rush Quotes! Join Rush 24/7 NOW!”ACORN is Obama, and...
Rush’s Morning Update: ACORNs Sep 15, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: ACORNsSeptember 16, 2009Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
From Kids on Bus to Kanye West: Race Rules All in Obama’s America Sep 15, 2009RUSH: Hey, look, folks, the white kid on that bus in Belleville, Illinois, he deserved to be beat...
Liberals Declare: Obama is Failing Sep 15, 2009RUSH: Politico has an amazing story today by Jeremy Lott, editor of Capital Research Center’s...
Obama Talks to Stimulated Buddies Sep 15, 2009RUSH: Tom in Williamsburg, Virginia, you’re up next on the EIB Network. Hi.CALLER: Rush, it seems...
An Update on Barry’s Hut Brother Sep 15, 2009RUSH: Ventura, California, Dale, hello, and welcome. Great to have you with us. Hello.CALLER: Mega...
Luanne: How the Poor Cheat IRS Sep 15, 2009RUSH: This is Luanne in Jacksonville, Florida. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hi. How...
A Great Idea for Fox News Sunday Sep 15, 2009RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, Obama is making three speeches today. He has now booked on Letterman...