Rush’s Morning Update: Sea Lessons July 31, 2009

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 30,2009

Rush’s Morning Update: Sea Lessons
July 31, 2009

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My friends, today’s update may be difficult –not only for you, but for me, too. Especially if you have fond memories of the 1960s television series “Flipper.” We humans have a special affection for our friends of the sea,the Atlantic bottlenose dolphins. They’re smart, kind, and tolerant. Some believe they’re even smarter than humans. Sowhen dolphins are sick, we try to help them…even if they don’t have health insurance.

The good people at Clearwater Florida’s Marine Aquarium spent the last eight months compassionately caring for Dunham, the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin. Rumor had it, Dunham was the grandson of the late TV star Flipper. The male juvenile was suffering from a bad case of pneumonia. However, thanks to modern medicine, he was returned to good health, with no unnecessary tests or procedures. Dunham was recently released into the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Florida.

Dolphin experts were monitoring young Dunham by radio transmitterwhen the unthinkable happened. Two sharks spotted Dunham, and decided he was fine dining material. They attacked. And when sharks attack…well, it isn’t pretty. Poor Dunham couldn’t jump the sharks. Sadly, when the experts rushed to Dunham and found him,they had to put him out of his misery;his injuries were not recoverable.

In this great tragedy of the sea,there is no happy ending –only sad lessons to remember. Tigers are tigers; sharks are sharks. And with even the best health care coverage in the world, free of charge, you still take your chances. Very sad.

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