DNC Runs Another Anti-Rush Ad

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 22,2009

RUSH: I made mention of the fact yesterday that Republicans are finally courageously now using the ‘fail’ word in association with Obama. I, of course, took the arrows on that early on. The Democrats have put together an ad, the DNC have put together an ad already. This is Wednesday. It was just Monday that Mitch McConnell went out there and used the word ‘fail’ and then Lindsey Graham got in the act. And of course it was me back in January who said, ‘I hope he fails. I want his policies to fail,’ blah, blah, blah. So the Democrat National Committee has a new ad and you’ll hear in this ad me, Senator Grahamnesty, Senator DeMint, President Obama, some people from PMSNBC, an unidentified woman, Mike Enzi, Republican, Wyoming, Senator Judd Gregg, Lamar Alexander, and Donna Leinwand, I’m not sure how she pronounces her name, the National Press Club president. Here is the ad. This is just the audio.

LIMBAUGH: I hope he fails.

GRAHAM: Basically, I think he’ll fail.

DEMINT: If we’re able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.

OBAMA: Now, there’s some in the — this town who are content to perpetuate the status quo.

SHUSTER: What is the Republican plan?


WOMAN: Senator Gregg?


WOMAN: Senator Alexander?


WOMAN: What will the political price for the Republican Party be if it succeeds in blocking health care reform?

LIMBAUGH: I hope he fails.

GRAHAM: Basically I think he’ll fail.

DEMINT: If we’re able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.

OBAMA: This isn’t about me. This isn’t about politics. It’s about a health care system that is breaking America’s families, breaking America’s businesses, and breaking America’s economy.

RUSH: Health care is doing none of that. This isn’t about me, but yet I have here State-Run Media, the Associated Press: ‘Obama May Have to Wait for Health Care.’ Well, it must be about him, then. Obama may have to wait for health — (crying) — so sad. I’m so sad, poor Obama, he may have to wait for health care. (crying) It’s so unfair, he’s an historic president and he may have to wait for health care, may have to wait. It doesn’t say nation may have to wait on health care. It doesn’t say people without insurance may have to wait. It says Obama may have to wait for health care, and I thought it wasn’t about him. It’s about Obama, not us. It’s about Obama, not the doctors. It’s about Obama, not your parents, it’s about Obama, not your grandparents, it’s about Obama, not even your children. Obama may have to wait. And he’s already got the best health care he can get.